Night Sky Transform
Ravenous Solemnity
- Reversed Into Contraction
- There Is a Color
- Ancient Drone
- Dark on Dark
- Astrocyte Portal
- Storming the Sloan Wall
- False Vacuum
- Ravenous Solemnity
- Towards the Cold, Mysterious Infinity
- Hammer of Logic
- A Fountain of Daggers
- Buried Alive in Obsolescence
- Glorification of the Anti-Life Equation
- Vicious Infinite Regress
- The Blood Runs Red
Mehr Songtexte
- Above the Threshold
- Imagination Is Future History
- Impossible Orbits
- Blessed in a Hail
- The Light of Ancient Mistakes
- Rational Reappraisal
- Suspended in a Void Universe
- Micro-Aeons of Torment
- The Mists Rose Like Departing Dreams
- Into the Glory of Eternal Orbit
- "Collimator"
- Multiple-Dimension Descriptor
- In Dimensions 7 to 11
- Continuum
- Indulge Me in Silence
- On the Verge of an Occurence
- Dephosphorus
- Knife Missile
- Absurd Aftermath
- The Long Crossing
- Neural Lace
- Collimator