Denis Murphy Songtexte
Caoineadh Uí Neill [Air]
Geboren am 14. November 1910, Gestorben am 07. April 1974

- Seanbhean Na GCarta!; Tom Billy's
- Knocknabower Polkas
- The Morning Star; Rolling On The Ryegrass
- Farewell To Whiskey; The Dark Girl
- Caoine Ui Dhonaill
- The Galtee Rangers; The Glentaun Reel
- O'Rahilly's Grave
- Tom Billy's
- The Munster Jig; Munster Buttermilk
- Johnny When You Die; Anything For John-Joe
- The Blackbird
- The Lady On The Island; Callaghan's
- An Raibh Tu Ag An GCarraig
- O'Mahony's; The Stack Of Barley
- The Star Above The Garter; The Lisheen Slide
- Dan O'Keeffe's
- Padraic O'Keeffe's; The Scartaglen Jig
- Rathawaun; The Hare In The Corn
- The Ballydesmond Polkas
- The Fishermans
- Caoine Uí Dhonaill (air)
- The Blackbird (air)
- The Morning Star / Rolling On the Ryegrass (reels)
- The Mountain Road/The Dairymaid [Reels]
- The Mug of Brown Ale/The Rose in the Heather [Jigs]
- The Woman of the House [Reel]
- Apples in Winter/Fanning's [Jigs]
- The Humours of Lisheen/The Lark in the Bog [Jigs]
- The Harlequin/The Chancellor [Hornpipes]
- The Scartaglen/Denis Murphy's [Polkas]
- Callaghan's/O'Keeffe's Dream/The New Post Office [Reels]
- Din Tarrant's/The Blue Ribbon [Polkas]
- The Green Cottage 1/The Green Cottage 2/Gan Ainm [Polkas]
- Caoineadh Uí Dhomhnaill [Air]
- The Humours of Mountcollins/Chase Me Charlie [Slides]
- Denis Murphy's/The Green Cottage/Quarry Cross [Slides]
- The Honeymoon [Reel]
- The Turkey in the Straw [Reel]
- The Star Above the Garter/Pádraig O'Keeffe's [Slides]
- Art O'Keeffe's/Dawley's (The Scart)/Quarry Cross [Slides]
- Cronin's [Hornpipe]
- Caoineadh Uí Neill [Air]
- Fitzgerald's/O'Callaghan's Low [Hornpipe]
- Breeches Mary/The Tenpenny Bit [Jig]
- The Pretty Girls of the Village/The Piper's Despair/Jim Kennedy's Favourite [Reels]
- O'Callaghan's [Hornpipe]