David Kitay Songtexte
Because I Said So (Soundtrack)
- Love Is Coming
- Weddings and Things
- Ice Cream Can Be Cold
- Please Talk To Me
- Hearts and Hands
- God Invented Mothers
- Pretty Windows Maybe
- Candlestick
- Answer It and Talk
- Personals and Other Looks
- Your Kid
- I Never Did
- Your What
- Chemistry
- What Kind of Oil
- Clean Lines and Wishes
- Computers
- Spyn Mom
- Mothers Love Advice and Boy
- Bracelets and Boys
- Conference Calls
- Be Right There
- Whistling Couch
- There Is Time for You
- I Should've Known It Was He
Mehr Songtexte

- So Young (Ghost World)
- The Cafe (Ghost World)
- Walk Normal (Ghost World)
- Wedgie (Bad Santa)
- Cops (Bad Santa)
- Kid (Bad Santa)
- Out Of Here (Ghost World)
- The Letter (Bad Santa)
- Girl Watch (Ghost World)
- First Heist (Bad Santa)
- Casing The Joint (Bad Santa)
- Last Alarm (Bad Santa)
- Theme From Ghost World
- A Zit
- I’m Hopeless
- Dear Diary
- Last Alarm
- Wedgie
- Nicky Agrees
- Jinxer Does Mama
- Grandfather
- Take Me / Flowers
- The Mirror
- Parents
- I'm Grant
- A Specimen
- Kid
- They Find Love
- Lonely Girl Dinner
- Hearing Things
- They're Implants
- Post Coital
- The Cafe
- I Object
- Nicky Proposes
- Stairs
- Girl Watch
- I Remember You
- Grant Proposes
- Casing the Joint
- Wet Clothes
- The Letter
- Lil' Jack
- So Young
- First Heist
- Cats
- Cops
- Walk Normal
- Out of Here
- Andy's Carousel
- Extreme Bachelor
- The Folks