Darangen Songtexte
Geboren am 19. Dezember 1983

- Chrono Trigger 'Atonement' OC ReMix
- Donkey Kong Country 2 'From Within' OC ReMix
- Final Fantasy 'Warriors of Light' OC ReMix
- Final Fantasy VI 'Deadly Promises' OC ReMix
- Final Fantasy 'Finally Home' OC ReMix
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Falling Back' OC ReMix
- Lufia 'Metastatic Bloodline' OC ReMix
- Kweh! (Electric de Chocobo)
- Collision (The North Cave)
- Running After You (Distant Promise)
- Chrono Trigger - Reminiscence
- Free Breezin' ~ Theme of Son of Wind
- Chrono Trigger - Depths of Isolation
- The Fallen Savior (Pandemonium)
- Final Fantasy IX "The Fallen Savior" OC ReMix
- Free Breezin’ ~ Theme of Son of Wind