I Was a Disco Malcontent: The Best of Balihu Records (Compilation)
The Best of Balihu 1993-2008 (Compilation)
- Like Some Dream
- Get Up Get Up
- Warped
- On the Moon
- East Village Hustle
- The Twirl
- In the Street
- In a Golden Haze
- Free Lovin
- Glow Worns
- Seven Shadows
- Disco Delay
- Lye-Ubao
- Ah n'arrete pas
- NYTK (1978 mix)
- Thousand Mirror Moon
- Let's Go to Mars
- Solarian Six
- Shyboy 123 (von Carlos Hernandez)
- No Matter (von Brennan Green)
- Zeit Ist Ein Fuss
- Blau Drei
- Behind the Ocean (von Brennan Green)
- Nolitas Magnet (von Brennan Green)
- Crystal Sea (von Ilya Santana)
- Wicked Sequence (von Ilya Santana)
- Beach Birds (von Massimiliano Pagliara)
Mehr Songtexte

- Let's Go to Mars (instrumental reprise)
- Like Some Dreams
- Sylver Belt
- Zola Has Landed
- Berlin Sunrise (Die Nacht)
- Gotta Get Up
- Like Some Dream I Cant Stop Dreaming
- Pistol Oderso
- Baby Powder Dermetis
- Berlin Sunrise (Die Dämmerung)
- Die Zeit Ist Ein Fluss
- Das ist kein Techno!
- Rooftop Boogie
- Soft Cube
- Island Music
- NYTK-1978 Mix
- Panoramic (Acid dub)
- Black Boots and Sine Waves
- Ah... n'arrête pas
- Shyboy 123
- Shadows
- E. Village Hustle
- Twitchy & Scratchy
- Two Tracks We Made in 1999 for a Gay Leather Video
- Art.Drugs.Sex.Rhythm.
- E. Village Dawn
- Not Feeling It
- Loose Vibes
- Jazz Feeling
- Panoramic (Acid Cha Cha)
- Nights in Berlin
- Unhouse
- Echo by Midnight
- If It Feels Good
- Like Some Dream (I Can’t Stop Dreaming)
- DSDN (303 City Dub)
- DSDN (303 Instrumental Dub)
- He Dance All Night
- Let’s Go to Mars