The Imperfect Is Our Paradise: Original Score (Soundtrack)
Tombstone-Rashomon (Soundtrack)
- Tombstone Rashomon Main Title
- Hefford Begins
- Hi-Speed Saloon
- Kate Begins
- Slo-Mo Fremont Street
- Dr. Barham's Solution Commercial
- Kate Bails
- Jailhouse Tenderness
- Footballs for The Apaches
- The Ball Will Open
- Here They Come
- Behan's Regret
- Horses to Steal
- Wyatt Continues
- BONUS Hi-Speed Saloon Brooding
- About Noon
- Jerk Your Gun
- BONUS Hi-Speed Saloon Grand
- Wyatt's Fight
- Bible Retakes
- Doc Begins
- Diabolical Generosity
- Police Activity
- Ike's Fight
- Purveying Alcohol to Men of Violence
- BONUS Cowboy Seti