Dan Gibson & D. William Gibson Songtexte
- Light Rain
- Bring the Rain
- Bring the Thunder
- The Natural World
- Building Up
- The Aftermath
- Before the Storm
- Rolling Surf on Pebbled Beach
- Sweeping the Sandy Shore
- Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark
- Ovenbird and Brown Thrasher
- Red‐winged Blackbird
- Swainson’s Thrush and Scarlet Tanager
- Yellowthroat and Olive‐sided Flycatcher
- Winter Wren and Canada Warbler
- Red‐breasted Grosbeak and Chestnut‐sided Warbler
- Robin and Vesper Sparrow
- Wood Thrush and American Goldfinch
- White‐throated Sparrow
- Song Sparrow and Baltimore Oriole
- Northern Waterthrush
- House Finch and Indigo Bunting
- Hermit Thrush and Red‐eyed Vireo