Dale North Songtexte
Windfish Chimes (The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening)
Geboren am 22. September 1976
Dreamscaper (Original Game Soundtrack)
- Dreamscaper Opening
- Apartment (Isolation)
- Hometown (Exploration)
- Hometown (Combat)
- Fear
- Reprieve
- Apartment (City)
- Waking World (Exploration)
- Waking World (Conversation)
- City (Exploration)
- City (Combat)
- Merchant Room
- Waterfall Room
- Campground (Exploration)
- Campground (Combat)
- Isolation
- Nightmare City (Exploration)
- Nightmare City (Combat)
- Loss
- Tutorial
- Childhood Room
- Nightmare’s Zenith
- Dreamscaper
- The Nightmare Begins (Trailer)
Dreamscaper (The Complete Soundtrack)
- Dreamscaper
- Nightmare’s Zenith
- A Past Life
- Escape
- Dungeons of the Immortal
- Tentative Adventure
- The Departure (Exploration)
- The Departure (Combat)
- Cascades of Wonder
- Fear I
- Fear II
- Fear III
- Reprieve
- A Fresh Start
- Waking (Exploration)
- Waking (Conversation)
- The Renewal (Exploration)
- The Renewal (Combat)
- Above the Clouds
- Isolation I
- Isolation II
- Isolation III
- The Remembrance (Exploration)
- The Remembrance (Combat)
- Hidden Memories
- Regret I
- Regret II
- Regret III
- The Descent (Exploration)
- The Descent (Combat)
- Resentment I
- Resentment II
- Resentment III
- Spiraling
- The Fracturing (Exploration)
- The Fracturing (Combat)
- Above the Clouds (Nightmare)
- Negativity I
- Negativity II
- Negativity III
- The Return (Exploration)
- The Return (Combat)
- Cascades of Wonder (Nightmare)
- Loss I
- Loss II
- Loss III
- Out of the Dark
- Banishment
- Closure
- Dreamscaper First Demo (Bonus)
- The Nightmare Revealed (Reveal Trailer)
- The Nightmare Lives (Gameplay Trailer)
- The Nightmare Begins (Early Access Trailer)
Helvetii (Original Game Soundtrack)
- Violence, Blood and Pride
- Old Legends (von Dale North feat. Emi Evans)
- The Rot Stirs
- Trails of Jura
- Wild Encounters
- Welcome to Bob’s
- To Battle!
- Mythology (von Dale North feat. Emi Evans)
- The Faerie Court (von Dale North feat. Emi Evans)
- A Moment’s Peace (von Dale North feat. Emi Evans)
- Creeping in the Darkness
- The Vigil
- Chimes in the Night
- Grandfather (von Dale North feat. Emi Evans)
- Drums of War
- The Ascent
- Shivering Hearts
- Waltz with Death (von Dale North feat. Emi Evans)
- Adrenaline
- The Heart
- Demons of the Rot
- Octavius
- Fate and Folly (von Dale North feat. Emi Evans)
- A Blessed Calamity
Little‐Known Galaxy (Original Game Soundtrack)
- Little‐Known Galaxy Theme
- Storytime
- Outer Orbits
- Good Morning Song
- The Outer Hull
- The Relic
- A New Piece
- Little‐Strides
- Day by Day
- A Happy Tune
- Curiosity
- Little‐Awkward
- The Adventurer
- Wonderful Wishes
- The Plaza
- Hermy’s Spectacular Collectables
- Love Song
- Cozy Cosmozy
- Team Spirit
- Ready for Blast‐Off
- Travel Days
- Grey Planet
- Blue Reef Kingdom
- Desert Dunes
- Iceladus Cluster
- Lava Lakes
- Viridis
- Party Song
- Funky Microbe
- Bunky’s Theme
- Tricky Situation
- Frozen in Time
- Beach.sim
- Library.sim
- Spa.sim
- Friendship Day
- New Year’s Eve
- Little‐Known Galaxy Theme (Nostalgia version)