Unfortunately We're Not Robots
- We
- Are
- All
- Dead
- 100 M.P.H. Vomit Dedicated to Jon
- On the Run from Johnny Law Ain't No Trip to Cleveland
- Ted Nugent Goes AOL
- Total Pandemonium
- Doctor Doom, A Man of Science, Doesn't Believe in Jesus, Why the Fuck Do You?
- You'd Be Cuter If I Shot You in the Face
- Make Like a Computer and Get With the Program
- Your Idea of Fascism and Global Intervention Makes Me Puke
- I Lost My Job to a Machine
- Kissing You Is Like Licking an Ashtray
- Rich Hall (Runner Up in a Carson Daly Lookalike Contest)
The One Above All, the End of All That Is
- An Uncomfortable Routine
- Antidepressants Are Depressing
- Ultra Carb Diet Carpooling Stupid Fucking Life
- The One Above All, the End of All That Is
- Instrumental
- Black Out
- There Ain't No CAN'T in AmeriCAN
- Zero MPH Fallover
- There Is Never Enough Time to Do Nothing
- I'm Trying to Fly to the Moon Using Two Magnets and Willpower
- Blood Mosh Hips Hair Lips Pills Fuck Death
Mehr Songtexte

- Nest of the Face Hugger
- I Don't Give a Shit If I'm in Outer Darkness, I'll Make Friends
- Watch Your Face
- God Is in His Heaven, All Is Right With the World
- ..-... .- ..-. ..--.-. -.-.. -. --. -.. --. --.--.-. .... .. -. .
- China Part Breakdown
- .. - ... .- ..-. ..- -.-. -.- .. -. --. - .. -- . -- .- -.-. .... .. -. .
- Nuclear Waste? Bring That Shit. (We Want a State Full of Radiated Super Heroes)
- Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Select, Start
- If I Wanted Shit Out of You I'd Squeeze Your Neck
- I Hate Almost Every Person I Come in Contact With
- Utah: The Whoopie Cushion of America
- And Then the Robots Killed
- If This Band Thing Doesn't Pan Out We're Joining the Army
- Hella Vegas Kids Say Hella
- Proclaimed Bat Hunter
- Absolute Denial of the Ultimate Nullifier
- Damn Girl, That Shit Is Deep Like the Ocean
- ↑↑↓↓ ← → ← → B A Select Start