Mehr Songtexte

- Electronic Waves
- Bell Tree
- Gypsy Waltz (no melody)
- Stat Sheet
- Flute
- Bleu (no violin)
- Paisian Summer
- Stringing Along (no strings)
- Sonar
- Low Radio Frequencies
- Path To Emptiness (60 second)
- Path To Emptiness (no piano)
- A Beating
- High Suction
- Ring Tones
- A Tension Grabber
- Tabla Figures
- Cello Pizz
- Harp Glisses
- The Stalker
- Distorted Air
- Engine Room
- Hammer In Big Room
- Gospel Choir
- Futuristic Machine Room
- Pulsing & Serious (no bass)
- Ethereal Sequence
- Male Choir
- Rock Guitar Trills
- Demented Game Sounds
- Space Snake
- And the Answer Is
- Paisian Summer (no lead)
- Buzzer And Buzzer Sequences
- Didgeridoo
- Lite Hits
- Mouth Harp
- Impact And Flange
- Quick Synth Hit
- Large Orchestral Endings
- Murky Waters (no piano)
- Hard Suction
- Ambient Sweeps
- Large Taiko Drums
- Murky Waters
- Harp
- Large African Drums
- Imminent Disaster (no brass)
- White Noise Attacks
- Time Of Despair (no solo violin)
- Explosion
- Ethnic Percussion (no pad)
- Deep & Foreboding (no high pad)
- Flamenco
- Space Ship Landing
- Deep Space Vacuum
- Elastic
- Electric Frogs Sequence
- Electronic Ping Pong Balls
- I Said Soul
- Classical Guitar Runs 2
- Ethereal Drone Fast
- Path To Emptiness (30 second)
- High To Low
- Wood Blocks
- Final Bed (no bells/guitars)
- Tazer
- Jets
- Deep White Noise Reverse
- Spark Plugs
- Momentum Slowdown
- Martian Siren
- Jet Suction
- Space Vacuum
- Clink
- Intro Acoustic Guitar
- Space Frequencies
- Medium Then Hopeful
- Contemplative
- Panned Sequences
- Propellers
- Underwater Beacon
- Make It Snappy (no melody)
- Somber
- Asian Bells
- South American Vocal Fx
- Cyborg Sequence
- Heart Beats
- Fast Industrial Sequence
- Short Wave Radio
- Trois Soevrs
- Ufo Sequence
- Time
- Mangled Synth
- Ethnic Percussion
- Quick Explosion
- Moon Light
- Ethereal Effect
- Space Cycles
- It's Coming
- Distorted Suction
- Gypsy Waltz
- Drum Kit Figures
- Mangled Percussive Loop
- Ambient Bells
- Fast Shards
- Low Synth Sweeps
- Time Of Despair (30 second)
- Lite Orchestral Endings
- Funeral Walk (full)
- Metal Hits 1
- Accordion Figures
- Radio Frequency
- Metal Hits 2
- Buzzers
- Feeling Queasy
- Midnight Rumbler
- Space Swells
- Cylinder Reverse
- Synth Pulse
- Midnight Rumbler (no piano/shaker)
- Higher Buzzer Sequences
- Electronic Wind
- Contemplative (no sweeps)
- Deep Cyborg
- Triangle Electric
- High Pitch Reverse 2
- Borg Impacts
- Weird Rhythmic Sequences
- A Perfect Tense (no percussion loops)
- High Ethereal
- Sucking Wind
- Rachet
- Choir Ahs
- Trombone Figures
- Castanets
- Heavy Impacts With Tail
- Cymbal Combos
- Thick Future Logo Bed
- Insect
- Deep Vocal (no high vox)
- Powerful Radio Frequency
- More Buzzer Sequences
- Moon Light (no melody)
- Mangled Suction
- Cello
- Super Grunge Chords
- Stringing Along
- Imminent Disaster
- Gong Figures
- Active Measures
- Electronic Sos
- Le Jazz
- Scary Gong
- Snake
- Triangle Roll
- Blue Paris Stomp (no clarinet/violin)
- Momentum Builder (no brass)
- Slams
- Cyborg
- Stereo Reverse
- Bushwacked
- Time Of Despair (60 second)
- Snares
- A Perfect Tense
- Industrial Sequence
- Sending Frequency
- Koto
- Percussive (no sweeps)
- Station Id Fx
- Wind Chimes
- Downhome Blues Slide
- Future Hit And Fade
- Wood Block Gliss
- Space Bugs
- Sea Of Demons (no choir)
- Startled!
- Rock Chords 3
- Cymbals
- White Noise High To Low
- Low Synth Hit
- Le Jazz (no violin)
- Horn Fanfare
- Kalimba Figures
- Mid Rumbler
- Time Of Despair (full)
- A Tension Grabber (no brass)
- East Indian Sequence
- Synth Suspense Sequence
- Random Bass Balls
- Percussive
- Big Tube Exit
- Cyborg Impact
- Hi Tech Sequence
- Happy Go Lucky
- Heavy Breathing
- Warp 1
- Strong Drones
- Deep Chime Fx
- Deep & Foreboding
- Xylophone
- Hovercraft
- The Stalker (no light percussion)
- Race Cars
- Asian Large Bell
- Movin' On
- High Bell Tree Run
- Serious Orchestral
- Path To Emptiness (no keys)
- Heavy Rock Chords 2
- Downhome Guitars
- Fx Panner
- Synth Beat Bumpers
- Path To Emptiness (full)
- Steel Drum Figures
- Acoustic Guitar Blues
- Female Scat
- Celeste
- Jazz Guitar
- Gun Shots
- Electronic Kisses
- Destitute (30 second)
- Vibes
- Destitute (full)
- Trumpet Figures
- Long Buzzer Sequence
- Bleu
- Rock Harmonic Fx
- Outsynth Sequences
- Slow Starting Motor
- Rock Chords 4
- Funeral Walk (60 second)
- Heavy Rock Chords
- Momentum Builder
- Funeral Walk (no percussion)
- Active Measures (no piano)
- Silly Percussion
- Synth Beat Sequence
- Asian Flute
- Serious Orchestral (no snare)
- High Dissolves
- Impact Hits With Panning
- Manic Synths
- Blue Paris Stomp
- Space Siren
- Heavy Synth Sweep
- Deep Electric Toms
- Funeral Walk (no strings)
- Electronic Spur
- Many Reverses
- Electronic Crickets 1
- White Noise And Tone
- Long Dissolves
- Deep Vocal
- Make It Snappy
- A Beating (no percussion)
- Electronic Chimes
- Future Accelerator
- Mouth Percussion
- Deep Tympani
- Small Bell Clusters
- Jazz Choir Smooth
- Happy Go Lucky (no clarinet)
- Movin' On (no melody)
- Triangles
- The Big Buzz
- Pulsing Sweeper
- Lite Vocal Choirs
- Sweet Swing (no lead)
- Sea Of Demons
- Time (no bass)
- Medium Tuning Drum
- Really Thick Fx
- Industrial Air
- American Indian
- Depressure
- Trois Soevrs (no melody)
- Heart Beat 2
- Anvils
- Bagpipes
- Laser Attack
- Medium Then Hopeful (no bells)
- Industrial Impact
- Bushwacked (no choir)
- Jazz Choir
- Ukulele
- Destitute (no piano)
- Super Low
- Alien Voice
- Asian Bell Run
- Alien Frogs
- Somber (no bells)
- Synth Attacks
- Fly By
- Electronic Bells
- Speeding Cycle
- Electronic Gas
- Deep Mystical (no wind chimes)
- High Ethereal (no bells)
- Monk
- Waterphone
- Transporter
- Sweet Swing
- Sliding Rock Chords
- Low Frequency
- Impact And Ball Drop
- Sleigh Bells
- White Noise Sweeps
- U-Boat Radar + Whistles
- Reverse Seashore
- Extreme Hand Buzzer
- Final Bed
- Cool Lasers
- Rock Scrapes
- Funeral Walk (no piano)
- Brazil Guitar
- Synth Attacks And Drones
- Police Sirens
- Time Of Despair (no guitar only)
- High Suction Faster
- High Pitch Reverse
- Deep Mystical
- Deep Synth Dissolves
- Funeral Walk (30 second)
- Heavy Bending Chords
- Classical Guitar
- Pulsing & Serious
- Logs
- Alien Ship
- Destitute (60 second)