Cooper-Moore Songtexte
Geboren am 31. August 1946
Cooper-Moore Quartet
In Order to Survive
Patricia Nicholson’s PaNic
William Parker & The Little Huey Creative Music Orchestra
William Parker Organ Quartet
William Parker’s Jeanne Lee Project
Triptych Myth
Solo: Deep in the Neighborhood of History and Influence (Live)
Mehr Songtexte
- Part 4:... Blues for Jacki Byard
- Part 6:... Radiance
- Introduction by Vijay Iver
- Part 3:... Waltz
- Part 5:... We Who Labor
- Prelude... I Want to Give Thanks
- That's Right
- Part 9:... The Agony of These Feelings Felt
- Part 7:... Evolution
- Part 8:... The People
- Part 2:... A Float
- Part 1:... All of a Sudden
- We Who Labor
- A Float
- Blues for Jacki Byard
- Waltz
- Introduction
- 4:10
- Evolution
- Radiance
- The People
- The Agony of This Feelings Felt
- I Want to Give Thanks Prelude
- Duo Take 11
- Prayer Take 8
- Ensemble 1 Redo Take 9
- Trio Take 5
- Trio Take 6
- Ensemble 1 Take 2
- Ensemble 1 Take 1
- Emancipation Take 4
- Emancipation Take 3
- Breakdown Take 10
- Fife in the Living Room & Fife on Bridge Over River