Standard Issue 82-87 (Compilation)
- Conflict
- The Guilt and the Glory
- From Protest to Resistance
- Tough Shit Mickey
- Reality Whitewash
- Whichever Way You Want It
- The Serenade Is Dead (Part 1)
- The Serenade Is Dead (Part 2)
- The Positive Junk / The System Maintains
- This Is Not Enough
- Neither Is This
- Mighty and Superior
- To Whom It May Concern
Standard Issue II 88-94 (Compilation)
Standard Reissue (Compilation)
- Blind Attack
- 1824 Overture
- Bullshit Broadcast
- Meat Means Murder
- The Positive Junk
- Tough Shit Mickey
- Punk Innit?
- Stop The City
- Neither Is This
- To Whom It May Concern
- The Ungovernable Farce
- The Arrest
- The War of Words
- Banned From the Roxy
- Big Hands
- So What
- Kings and Punks
- Meat Means Murder
- Exploitation
- Bullshit Broadcast
- Vietnam Serenade
- No Island of Dreams
Statements of Intent 1982-1987 (Compilation)
Disc One: It’s Time to See Who’s Who
- Young Parasites
- Kings & Punks
- Meat Means Murder
- No Island of Dreams
- Great What?
- The Guilt & The Glory
- 1824 Overture
- Bullshit Broadcast
- One Nation Under the Bomb
- Blind Attack (2)
- Vietnam Serenade
- Blood Morons
- Exploitation
- Crazy Governments
- [untitled]
- Conflict
- I’ve Had Enough
- Wargames
- Blind Attack
- Berkshire Cunt
- Meat Still Means Murder!
- Whichever Way You Want It
- Kings & Punks
- Meat Means Murder
- Exploitation
- Bullshit Broadcast
- Vietnam Serenade
- No Island of Dreams
Disc Two: Increase the Pressure
- Increase the Pressure
- Law and Order (Throughout the Land)
- From Protest to Resistance
- Tough Shit Mickey
- Punk Innit
- As Others See Us
- Cruise
- The Positive Junk
- The System Maintains
- Berkshire Cunt
- The Guilt and the Glory
- Stop The City
- One Nation Under a Bomb
- Blind Attack
- Vietnam Serenade
- Blood Morons
- Exploitation
- Whichever You Want It
- The Serenade Is Dead
- The Positive Junk
- The System Maintains
Disc Three: Only Stupid Bastards Help Emi
- From Protest to Resistance
- Increase the Pressure
- Serenade Is Dead
- Positive Junk
- The System Maintains
- Law and Order
- Berkshire Cunt
- The Guilt and the Glory
- Cruise
- One Nation Under a Bomb
- Blind Attack
- Exploitation
- Vietnam
- Meat Means Murder
- This Is Not Enough
- Tough Shit Mickey
- Punk Innit
- As Others See Us
- Liberate (aka Whichever Way You Want It)
- Mighty and Superior
- Conflict
- Neither Is This
Disc Four: The Ungovernable Force
- You Cannot Win
- The Ungovernable Farce
- A Piss in the Ocean
- C.R.A.S.S.
- Custom Rock
- 1986, The Battle Continues
- Mental Mania
- The Ungovernable Force
- They Said That
- Force or Service?
- The Arrest
- Statement
- The Day Before
- This Is the A.L.F.
- To Be Continued
- This Is Not Enough
- Neither Is This
- Mighty and Superior
- To Whom It May Concern
- [untitled]
Disc Five: Turning Rebellion Into Money
- Banned From the UK
- Piss in the Ocean
- Big A Little A
- Increase the Pressure
- The Serenade Is Dead
- You Said That
- From Protest to Resistance
- To Whom It May Concern
- Big Hands
- So What
- I Ain’t Thick (It’s Just a Trick)
- G’s Song
- Contaminational Power
- Cruise
- Major General Despair
- One Nation Under the Bomb
- Bomb
- Punk Is Dead
- Rival Tribal Revel Rebel
- Statement
- The Day Before
- This Is the A.L.F.
- Tough Shit Mickey
- Reality Whitewash
- Working Class Rip Off
- Mighty and Superior
- Do They Owe Us a Living
- How Does It Feel
- This Is Not Enough
- Positive Junk
- The System Maintains
- Berkshire Cunt