
- Requiem Canticles: IX. Postlude
- Requiem Canticles: I. Prelude
- Song of the Nightingale
- Requiem Canticles: V. Interlude
- The Flood: The Covenant of the Rainbow
- The Flood: The Catalogue of the Animals
- The Flood: The Building of the Ark (Choreography)
- The Flood: The Flood (Choreography)
- The Flood: The Comedy (Noah and His Wife)
- The Flood: Melodrama
- The Flood: Prelude
- Allegro Capriccioso from Capriccio for Piano and Orchestra
- Tilim-Bom / Klabum-Klabam
- Three Japanese Lyrics: II. Mazatsumi
- Abraham and Isaac
- Three Japanese Lyrics: I. Akahito
- Three Japanese Lyrics: III. Tsaraiuki
- Variations: Aldous Huxley in memoriam
- Chant du rossignol: Jeu du rossignol mécanique
- Chant du rossignol: Introduction
- Chant du rossignol: Marche chinoise
- Chant du rossignol: Chant du rossignol
- Chant du rossignol: III. Chant du rossignol
- Chant du rossignol: I. Introduction
- Chant du rossignol: II. Marche chinoise
- Chant du rossignol: IV. Jeu du rossignol mécanique