Colter Wall Songtexte
The Devil Wears a Suit & Tie
Sleeping on the Blacktop
Kate McCannon
Geboren am 27. Juni 1995
Western Swing & Waltzes and Other Punchy Songs
Mehr Songtexte

- Living on the Sand
Sleeping on the Blacktop
- Johnny Boy’s Bones
- Nothin’
The Devil Wears a Suit & Tie
- Ballad of a Law Abiding Sophisticate
- Caroline
- Transendental Ramblin' Railroad Blues
- The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie
- Calgary Round-Up
- Tying Knots in the Devil's Tail
- Thinking on a Woman
- I Ride
- Welcome to Daytrotter
- I Ride an Old Paint
- John Beyers
- Cypress Hills and the Big Country
- Let's All Help the Cowboys (Sing the Blues)
- Prairie Evening/Sagebush Waltz