Your Father’s Rage Evaporated in the Sun
- War Monger
- Life Made Worthless
- Opioid Scourge
- The Lies They Feed Us
- Paradox of Control
- Sniping Pigz
- The Nearest Thing in Nature to the Flesh of a Man
- Bullets Cast by Jehovah
- Throne of Oppression
- Excessive Force Breeds Contempt
- Feats of Subjugation
- Silent Breath
- Hollow Smile
- Sectarian Masochism
- Totalitarian
- Birds on Fire
- Child Soldiers Mobilized at the Edge of Oblivion
- Domestic Terror
- Dreamless Error
- Squad Car Shrapnel
- Your Father’s Rage Evaporated in the Sun
- (And the Bloody Wheel Kept Turning)