Coleman Barks Songtexte
Hafiz Poem a Wild Daughter Has Been Lost
Three Travelers
Geboren am 23. April 1937
Rumi: What Was Said to the Rose
- What Was Told
- The Death of Saladin
- The Indian Tree & One Song
- Sitting Together
- The Source of Joy and Roses Underfoot
- Amazed Mouth
- The Music We Are
- Green Meadows
- Like Light Over the Lain
- Some Kiss
- The Road Home
- A Cap
- Walnuts
- There You Are
- On the Day I Die
- School Mosque Minaret
- Looking Into the Creek
- This Is Enough
- Three Travelers
- The Soul's Friend
- Mounted Man
- Shadow and the Light Source Both
- Now Lay Me Down
- One Swaying Being
Mehr Songtexte

- A Hat to Wear in Both Worlds
- Who Says Words With My Mouth
- Introduction About the Dervish Community
- Moses And The Shepard
- A Bowl
- Hafiz Poem a Wild Daughter Has Been Lost
- This We Have Now
- There Is Some Kiss We Want
- Like This
- Say I Am You
- Selected Rumi Quatrains
- Selected Rumi Quatrains Ii
- The New Rule
- I Have Lived on the Lip of Insanity
- Lalla Poems
- Selected Rumi Quatrains Iii
- Hafiz Poems
- Moses and the Shepherd