Club Foot Orchestra Songtexte
Gründung 1983
Dave Barrett
Myles Boisen
Joshua Brody
Matt Brubeck
Beth Custer
Richard Egner
Josh Ende
Opter Flame
Matt Heckert
Steve Kirk
Dave Kopplin
Nik Phelps
Tom Yoder
Arnold Young
Wild Beasts, Kidnapped, and More (Compilation)
Metropolis (Soundtrack)
- Metropolis
- Worker's Chorus
- Stadium, Eternal Garden of Pleasure and Maria's Gaze
- Industry, Theme of the Ancient Slaves, the City
- Joh Frederson
- Four Views of Metropolis
- Rebellion
- Door V
- Yoshiwara
- Rotwang's House
- 'Will These Ten Hours Ever End?'
- Descent to the Catacombs
- The Story of Babel
- Love in the Catacombs
- Rotwangs Visage
- Cathedral
- Abduction in Imbroglio
- Claustrophobia
- Descent Into Madness
- Dance and Hallucination
- Riot II
- Trance and Fire
- Climax
- Aftermath
- Pool of Thanatos
The Club Foot Orchestra Plays Nino Rota
- L'Illusionista
- Winter Fireworks
- Nell' Ufficio di Produzione
- La Dolce Vita Via Veneto
- Via Veneto E Mobili
- Notturno o Mattutino
- Patricia - Dei Gladiatori
- Nights of Cabiria Suite
- Nostalgico Swing 1
- Nostalgico Swing 2
- La Dolce Vita
- Cimiterno - Cigolete - Cadillac - Carlota's Galop
- Paralami di Me (Valzer)
Mehr Songtexte

- Motorcycle Chase
- The Dream Begins
- Search Everyone
- The Sheik / Buster Sweeps Up
- As A Detective He Was All Wet
- Garden Wall
- You Got To Move
- Agent Double O Sherlock
- Dream Door
- Shadow Your Man
- Sadness
- Skipping
- Romance By Example
- Sherlock Steps Out
- Pawn Ticket Rag
- A Private Island
- In The Theatre
- Mountain Blues
- Lions
- Moonlight
- Tango
- Tristan's DoDah
- Buster Decides To Act
- Tiny Moonlight
- Felix The Cat Woos Whoopee
- The Sinking Criminologist
- Now Know Flutes Snow
- The Bedroom Of The Bourgeoisie / Stolen Pearls / The Crime Crushing Criminologist Enters / A Game Of Pool / Pearls Revisited
- Iron Horse
- A Shattering Revelation