Chris Corsano Songtexte
Geboren 1975
The Braces
The Clandestine Quartet
Comida Deluxe
Corsano Baiza Watt Trio
Dimension X
Dream/Aktion Unit
From Wolves to Whales
Klatzker-Corsano Duo
Saccata Quartet
Travisano Trio
The Young Cricketer
- What do we mean by coaching?
- Why are some cricket coaches better than others?
- How will you learn more successfully from your coach than just by looking and listening?
- What do people mean when they say, 'He played cricket'?
- What do we get from cricket that we don't get from other games?
- If you want to succeed at cricket what attitude should you adopt towards the game?
- How may your parents and your employer help you in your cricket career?
- What's the correct way to stop a ball?
- How do you know that you have taken your eyes off the ball when you attempt to catch it?
- What movement helps you when you are trying to run out a batsman?
- Why should you watch the striker's bat?
- How should you pick up the ball and throw it?
- How do you know where to throw the ball?
- When should you throw the ball at top speed?
- How should you throw it on other occasions?
- Are you going to keep alive the spirit of cricket?
Another Dull Dawn
- Another Dull Dawn
- Kittenish Gnawing, Part 1
- The Threshing Machine
- The Mistaken Reaction
- The Drunken Doctor's Blunder Shrugged Away
- The Anger of Kings
- Kittenish Gnawing, Part 2
- The Frayed Elevator Cable
- The Quick Collapse of Ice
- The Opaque Gasp
- The Misread Altimeter
- The Wreck
- The Hurried Adze
- The Knotted Silk Cord
- The Chair Dustless in the Tiled Room
- Twice Removed
- The Widow
- Shank and Spindle
- The Four Apprentices
- Scalpels
- The Attendant
- Famously Short Arms
- The Widow's Daughter
- These Things Are Not Fancy
- Two Leyaks and a Minister
- Not Now Not Later Not Ever
- The Disciple
- Fed Ex'd Gorilla
- The Irate Prime Minister
- My Face, Spited
- The Sacred Beast
- Regrets, I've Had a Few
- Warrior With Dagger Pointed Inward
- Suppli E Domanda