A Child Is Born: Carols From Trinity
- Wake, O wake
- The angel Gabriel
- Noel: Chantons (von Silas Wollston)
- Edi beo þhu, hevene quene
- A Hymn to the Virgin
- Noël (von Silas Wollston)
- This is the record of John
- A child is born in Bethlehem
- Once in royal David’s city
- Rejoice, rejoice in Christ
- Hodie Christus natus est
- A great and mighty wonder
- O little one sweet
- In dulci jubilo
- Noël: Mais on San es allé nau (von Silas Wollston)
- The blessed son of God
- O ye little flock
- While shepherds watched
- Shepherds’ Cradle Song
- The Lamb
- As with gladness
- Here is the little door
- In the bleak mid‐winter
- Rhapsodie sur des Noëls (von Philip Rushforth)
- Tomorrow shall be
- Illuminare, Jerusalem
- Noël: Le Roy des Cieux (von Silas Wollston)
- The Coventry Carol
- Benedicamus Domino
Carols From Trinity (Compilation)
- Sleepers, awake
- Advent Responsory
- Wachet Auf, BWV 645 (organ solo) (von Richard Marlow)
- Of the Father's Heart
- Angelus Ad Virginem
- The Holly and the Ivy
- I Sing of a Maiden
- Ding Dong! Merrily on High
- O Come All Ye Faithful
- There Is No Rose
- Es Ist Ein Ros' Entsprungen (organ solo) (von Richard Marlow)
- Silent Night
- O Little Town of Bethlehem
- I Saw Three Ships
- Sweet Was the Song
- Personent Hodie
- Away in a Manger
- Resonet In Laudibus
- Up! Good Christen Folk
- The First Nowell
- The Shepherds' Farewell
- The Three Kings
- Unto Us Is Born a Son
- The Coventry Carol
- What Cheer?
- Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
- In Dulci Jubilo (organ solo) (von Richard Marlow)
- Wake, O Wake
- The Angel Gabriel
- Noël: Chantons (organ solo) (von Silas Wollston)
- Edi Beo Thu Hevene Quene
- A Hymn to the Virgin
- Noël (organ solo) (von Silas Wollston)
- This Is the Record of John
- A Child Is Born In Bethlehem
- Once in Royal David's City
- Rejoice, Rejoice in Christ
- Hodie Christus Natus Est
- A Great and Mighty Wonder
- O Little One Sweet
- In Dulci Jubilo
- Noël: mais on san es allé nau (organ solo) (von Silas Wollston)
- The Blessed Son of God
- O Ye Little Flock
- While Shepherds Watched
- Shepherd's Cradle Song
- The Lamb
- As With Gladness
- Here Is the Little Door
- In the Bleak Midwinter
- Rhapsodie sur des Noëls (organ solo) (von Philip Rushforth)
- Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day
- Illuminare Jerusalem
- Noël: Le Roy Des Cieux (organ solo) (von Silas Wollston)
- The Coventry Carol
- Benedicamus Domino
Hymns From Trinity: 21 Favourite Hymns With Descants
- A Great and Mighty Wonder
- Alleluia! Alleluia!
- At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing
- Christ is Made the Sure Foundation
- Give Me the Wings of Faith
- Hail to the Lord's Anointed
- Jesu, Lover of My Soul
- Lead Us, Heavenly Father
- Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending
- Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendour
- Lord of Beauty, Thine the Splendour
- Now Thank We All Our God
- O Little Town of Bethlehem
- O Thou, Who At Thy Eucharist Didst Pray
- O Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness
- Son of God, Eternal Saviour
- Songs of Thankfulness and Praise
- The Spacious Firmanent on High
- Thou Whose Almighty Word
- To the Name That Brings Salvation
- Ye Holy Angels Bright
Stairway to Heaven (Compilation)
- Advent Responsory
- Requiem: In Paradisum
- O sacrum convivium!
- Videntes stellam
- Mass in G: Agnus Dei
- Eternal Father, op. 135
- Miserere (von Rebecca Daldorph, James Elias, Louisa Keily, Reiner Schneider-Waterberg, Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge, Richard Marlow)
- Ave, verum corpus, K.618
- Nunc dimittis
- Deutsche Messe, D. 872: Sanctus (von The Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge, Richard Marlow)
- Ave Maria (von Fiona Wilson, Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge, Philip Rushforth, Richard Marlow)
- Timor et tremor
- Tenebrae facta sunt
- Hear My Prayer, O Lord (von The Choir of Trinity College, Cambridge, Richard Marlow)
- Agnus Dei
Mehr Songtexte

- Wherefore, O Father
- Deck Thyself, My Soul, With Gladness
- Bread of the World
- God That Madest Earth and Heaven
- Noël (organ solo)
- Rhapsodie sur des Noëls (organ solo)
- Ave, verum corpus, K.618
- Ave Maria, op. 9b
- Miserere mei, Deus
- Deutsche Messe, D. 872: Sanctus
- Miserere
- Ave Maria
- Hear My Prayer, O Lord
- Es Ist Ein Ros' Entsprungen (organ solo)
- Songs of Farewell: Never Weather Beaten Sail
- Quatre Motets: I. Ubi caritas
- Noël: Le Roy Des Cieux (organ solo)
- Noël: Chantons (organ solo)
- Noël: mais on san es allé nau (organ solo)
- Agnus Dei, Op. 11
- Miserere mei Deus
- Ellens Gesang III - Hymne an die Jungfrau, D. 839: Ave Maria