Choir of King’s College, Cambridge, Sir David Willcocks Songtexte
Psalm 121: I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes
Hymns from King's
- Prelude in E-flat, BWV 552 (von Ralph Downes)
- Come, thou Redeemer of the Earth
- Hark! the herald angels sing
- As with gladness men of old
- Drop, drop, slow tears
- When I survey the wondrous Cross
- Ye choirs of new Jerusalem
- The head that once was crowned with thorns
- Come down, O Love divine
- Holy, holy, holy
- Praise to the Holiest
- Sleepers, wake
- O come, all ye faithful
- Bethlehem of noblest cities
- Dear Lord and Father of mankind
- O sacred head sore wounded
- Jesus Christ is risen today
- Hail the day that sees him rise
- Come, Holy Ghost our souls inspire
- Bright the vision that delighted
- O praise ye the Lord
- Fugue in E-flat "St Anne", BWV 552 (von Ralph Downes)
The Psalms of David from King's, Volume 1
- Psalm 122: I Was Glad
- Psalm 42: Like as the Hart / Psalm 43: Give Sentence With Me
- Psalm 104: Praise the Lord, o My Soul
- Psalm 61: Hear My Crying, o God
- Psalm 24: The Earth Is the Lord 's
- Psalm 121: I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes
- Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd
- Psalm 46: God Is Our Hope and Strength
- Psalm 84: O How Amiable
- Psalm 15: Lord Who Shall Dwell
- Psalm 137: By the Waters of Babylon
- Psalm 147: O Praise the Lord
- Psalm 148: O Praise the Lord of Heaven
- Psalm 149: O Sing Unto the Lord
- Psalm 150: O Praise God in His Holiness (von Choir of King’s College, Cambridge)
The Psalms of David from King's, Volume 2
- Psalm 126: When the Lord Turned Again
- Psalm 65: Thou, o God, Art Praised in Sion
- Psalm 66: O Be Joyful in God, All Ye Lands
- Psalm 67: God Be Merciful Unto Us, and Bless Us
- Psalm 114: When Israel Came Out of Egypt
- Psalm 115: Not Unto Us, o Lord
- Psalm 12: Help Me, Lord
- Psalm 133: Behold, How Good and Joyful
- Psalm 134: Behold Now, Praise the Lord
- Psalm 81: Sing We Merrily Unto God
- Psalm 22: My God, My God, Look Upon Me
- Psalm 78: Hear My Law, o My People
Mehr Songtexte

- Gloria
- O Jesu So Meek
- Hodie Beata Virgo Maria à 5
- Zadok the Priest, HWV 258
- Miserere
- O praise the Lord with one consent
- Three Shakespeare Songs: Full Fathom Five
- Three Shakespeare Songs: The Cloud-Capp'd Towers
- Three Shakespeare Songs: Over Hill, Over Dale
- O magnum mysterium
- Hosanna to the Son of David
- A Great and Mighty Wonder
- Shepherds, in the Field Abiding
- Hymn to St. Cecilia, Op. 27: II. I cannot grow
- Hymn to St. Cecilia, Op. 27: I. In a garden shady this holy lady
- Psalm 150: O Praise God in His Holiness
- Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
- Psalm 84
- For Unto Us a Child Is Born
- There Is No Rose
- Hail Gladdening Light
- Faire Is the Heaven
- Missa Papae Marcelli: Gloria
- Missa Papae Marcelli: Sanctus
- Missa Papae Marcelli: Credo
- Missa Papae Marcelli: Agnus Dei I
- Missa Papae Marcelli: Kyrie
- Missa Papae Marcelli: Benedictus
- Missa Papae Marcelli: Agnus Dei II
- Gradualia, liber primus: Ave verum Corpus
- Stabat Mater à 8
- Missa Brevis: Kyrie
- Missa Brevis: Agnus Dei I
- Missa Brevis: Agnus Dei II
- Missa Brevis: Credo
- Missa Brevis: Gloria
- Missa Brevis: Benedictus
- Missa Brevis: Sanctus
- The Truth from Above
- And all in the morning
- Gabriel's Message
- Adam Lay Ybounden
- Ding! dong! Merrily on High
- Sussex Carol
- Hodie Christus natus est
- Ceremony of Carols: XI. Deo Gracias
- Ceremony of Carols: II. Wolcum Yole!
- Ceremony of Carols: I. Procession
- Ceremony of Carols: V. Balulalow
- Ceremony of Carols: VII. This Little Babe
- Ceremony of Carols: X. Spring Carol
- Ceremony of Carols: IV. That Yonge Child
- Ceremony of Carols: III. There is no Rose
- A Ceremony of Carols: Interlude (Andante Pastorale)
- Ceremony of Carols: VIIII. In Freezing Winter Night
- Ceremony of Carols: XII. Recession
- Beati quorum via
- Missa Brevis in D: III. Sanctus
- Missa Brevis in D: I. Kyrie
- Missa Brevis in D: II. Gloria
- Missa Brevis in D: V. Agnus Dei
- Missa Brevis in D: IV. Benedictus
- Spem in alium
- The Infant King
- Once in Royal Davidś City
- See Amid the Winter's Snow
- Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day