Hold F Coward's Way Out
I Don't Give a Fuck About Space!!! (I Could Go to SpaceI Could Go to SpaceI Could Go to SpaceI Could Go to SpaceI Could Go to SpaceI Could Go to SpaceI Could Go to SpaceI Could Go to SpaceI Could Go to SpaceI Could Go to SpaceI Could Go to SpaceI Coul ...
- Talk at Me With Some "OMG We're So Cosmically Insignificant" Shit One More Time and I Will Actually Bury You Alive. Earth Is My Home Earth Is My Love It Is My Wonderful Bubble and I Don't Give a Fuck
- Listen I Respect Everyone's Special Interests, I've Got the 'Tism, We're on the Same Page There, I'm Just Saying Don't Use Those Silly Stars to Justify Your Nihilism, I Promise It Will Not Work on Me.
I Wanna Be The Thinker
- ?Dictionary? Save This Word! (I'll have you know...)
- Apologies, my flowing prose keeps getting interrupted by an attack of disjointed, unrelated, yet highly pleasing words.
- Booktasters (At p. 366 he writes that the present burning question) -- "Ok? What's your point?" What a question! (That's It? That's the Joke?)
- Deconstructed Literature Club
- In the Words of Captain Obvious, "It's Been So Long Since Anyone Invoked My Name..." (The Evolution of the 'Actually')