Canadian Invasion Songtexte
Eric Miller
Three Cheers for the Invisible Hand
- Pop Magic Fantastical Masterpiece
- My Swashbuckling Days Are Over
- Standing on the Shoulders of the Carcass of John Mayer
- Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow
- How to Build a Jetpack
- One Hand Claps the Other
- The Last Time I Went to Church
- But You're God (And I'm Me)
- Three Cheers for the Invisible Hand
- Juvenlia
- Neighbors
Choose Your Own Damn Adventure
- Ch 1: Choose Your Own Damn Adventure
- Ch 2: Beverly Blake
- Ch 3: Answered Prayers
- Ch 4: Like a Thief in the Night
- Chapter 5
- Ch 6a: Na Na Na
- Ch 7a: Opting Out
- Intermission
- Ch 6b: Our Mutual Friend
- Ch 7b: Mark of the Beast
- Ch 8: A Seven Storey Mountain
- Ch 9: Sickness Unto Death
- FINALE 1: Broken Windows
- FINALE 2: Samantha
- FINALE 3: Life, Not Repose
- Choose Your Own Damn Adventure (demo)
- Sickness Unto Death (backwards version)
- I Heart Old Skool Electroniks
- Mark, the Beast (demo)
- Melinda Rainsberger Is My Hero
- A Mansion With Many Rooms
- Beverly Goes Home
- Chapter 5 (w/o narration)
- Adventure Complete