C. S. Lewis Songtexte
Der erste Witz und anderes mehr
Geboren am 29. November 1898, Gestorben am 22. November 1963

- When can I set off
- Letter 1- The Eternal Benefits of Jargon
- Back on This Side of the Door
- A Wayside Adventure
- Book IV, Part 11: The New Men
- Das unaussprechliche Wort
- 101 Shasta macht sich auf den Weg
- The Sailing of the King
- Letter 2- The Church- Our Ally
- Up Till Then I'd Been Looking at the Lion's Great Feet
- Chapter 06-02: Into the Forest
- Der Wald zwischen den Welten
- The Hunting of the White Stag
- The Wood Between the Worlds
- 205 Shasta trifft die Narnianen
- Chapter 10a
- An Unexpected Meeting
- The Bad Psychological Material...
- Aslan in Narnia?
- Here we are. Boiled eggs, sardines on toast
- Strawberry's Adventure
- The Fords of Beruna
- "The Dwarfs Are for the Dwarfs!"
- The Rightful Heir
- What Happened After Dinner
- The Island of the Voices
- 104 Shasta trifft die Narnianen
- Letter 19- The Enemy Loves the Human Vermin
- 414 Shasta in Narnia
- The Beginning of Uncle Andrew's Troubles
- De jacht op het witte hert
- 10 - The Prince Corin
- Chapter 14-03: The Triumph of the Witch
- Book II, Part 1: The Rival Conceptions of God
- Oh Edmund so you've got in too
- Chapter 08, Part 02: All Five of Them Came Out Into the Courtyard.
- Peters eerste veldslag
- Inside the Stable
- Chapter 10-04: The Spell Begins to Break
- Into the Forest
- The First Joke and Other Matters
- Chapter 10 - The Return of the Lion
- Na het eten
- Book IV, Part 5: The Obstinate Toy Soldiers
- The Old Days
- 15 - The Race To Anvard
- Die Schlacht am Laternenpfahl
- Emeth & Aslan
- Narnia Is No More
- Book III, Part 8: The Great Sin
- Onkel Andrew hat Probleme
- Book I, Part 3: The Reality of the Law
- Chapter 10c
- How All Were Very Busy
- Book IV, Part 7: Let's Pretend
- I can't go on much longer
- Turkish Delight
- Rabadash the Ridiculous
- Book III, Part 9: Charity
- Now, Polly, the Rings Quick
- 102 Ein Abenteuer am Wegesrand
- Chapter 4: The Dwarf tells of Prince Caspian
- Book III, Part 2: The "Cardinal Virtues"
- Book II, Part 5: The Practical Conclusion
- Well I must simply go Aravis Darling
- Chapter 8c
- Chapter 8b
- The Fight at the Lamp-Post
- The Queen of Narnia
- Chapter 8a
- Chapter 3 - The Dwarf
- What Happened at the Front Door
- Chapter 11-01: Aslan is Nearer
- The Council of Dancing Lawn
- De overwinning van de tovernares
- What a beautiful place
- The Next Moment the Country Dropped Away
- Chapter 11c
- The End of the Underworld
- Chapter 12a
- Chapter 12, Part 01: Sorcery and Sudden Vengeance
- And what, pray, are you
- Book IV, Part 6: Two Notes
- Book IV, Part 2: The Three / Personal God
- Letter 17- Gluttony Through Delicacy
- Lucy Betrayed
- A Girl and Her Father
- Chapter 16-03: What Happened About the Statues
- The Bell and the Hammer
- Chapter 03-01: Edmund and the Wardrobe
- 16 - Back With The Hermit
- Letter 5- War
- Chapter 07-03: A Day With the Beavers
- Chapter 1 - The Island
- Letter 15- The Future
- Chapter 10-01: The Spell Begins to Break
- Chapter 11, Part 01: The Lion Roars
- Blown to Narnia
- The Spell Is Breaking
- Chapter 10, Part 02: She Got Up,...
- Meeting Aslan
- Now Let Us Proceed to the Coronation
- Chapter 17-01: The Hunting of the White Stag
- Chapter 6b
- Chapter 15-02: Deeper Magic From Before the Dawn of Time
- Chapter 6a
- Chapter 12 - Sorcery and Sudden Vengeance
- Oh I Do Wish Polly Would Hurry Up
- Aslan komt dichterbij
- If You Disagree...
- Chapter 08, Part 01: How They Left the Island
- The High King in Command
- Chapter 11a
- Chapter 12c
- Chapter 07, Part 02: It Was Certainly an Awesome Place...
- Introduction
- Everything Happened So Quickly
- The Race to Anvard
- Chapter 05-02: Back on This Side of the Door
- A Roll in the Grass
- C.S. Lewis and Douglas Gresham
- The Founding of Narnia
- Book III, Part 3: Social Morality
- Chapter 15, Part 01: Aslan Makes a Door in the Air
- I'm back it's alright everyone
- Poggin's Story
- The Picture in the Bedroom
- Help Arrives
- 'Narnia, Awake!'
- Chapter 17-03: The Hunting of the White Stag
- Where Are We, Will Someone Tell Me
- Chapter 06, Part 02: Their Next Visit Was a Pleasanter One.
- The Lady of the Green Kirtle
- Book II, Part 3: The Shocking Alternative
- Chapter 14-01: The Triumph of the Witch
- Charn
- Chapter 12-03: Peter's First Battle
- Chapter 4c
- What Indeed
- Chapter 4b
- Book III, Part 5: Sexual Morality
- Chapter 4a
- Chapter 04-03: Turkish Delight
- Chapter 5 - Caspian's Adventure in the Mountains
- Chapter 17-02: The Hunting of the White Stag
- Shasta Falls in With the Narnians
- Caspian followed the Doctor
- Tirian the Captive
- Lord Shift
- One Who Has Waited Long for You
- Kings & Queens in Narnia
- Chapter 13c
- "Further Up and Further In!"
- Little Lady we bid you heartly welcome
- A Miracle
- Book IV, Part 8: Is Christianity Hard or Easy?
- The Wooden Doorway
- Chapter 06, Part 01: The People That Lived in Hiding
- Chapter 14a
- Harper Collins Presents Mere Christianity
- Chapter 05-01: Back on This Side of the Door
- Narnia's Last Battle
- Book IV, Part 1: Making and Begetting
- It touched me
- The Great Bonfire Meeting
- Chapter 14, Part 01: How All Were Very Busy
- Chapter 7 - Old Narnia in Danger
- Dug Up into Narnia
- Help From the Beavers
- Chapter 11-03: Aslan is Nearer
- In the Witch's House
- The Witch's Triumph
- The shore that they were walking on
- Chapter 2c
- Please Mr Lion, Will You Give Me Some Magic Fruit
- Book III, Part 10: Hope
- Chapter 2b
- Chapter 2a
- 209 Im Hause des Tisroc
- Chapter 14c
- Chapter 13, Part 01: The High King in Command
- Bree-Hinny-Brinny-Hoohy-Hah
- The Magician's Nephew
- Giants, Not Rocks
- When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone
- Het begin van het einde
- Chapter 13a
- "It's Father Christmas!"
- Book I, Part 2: Some Objections
- Book IV, Part 4: Good Infection
- Chapter 12-01: Peter's First Battle
- Het bos in
- Book III, Part 12: Faith
- Farewall to the Shadow-Lands
- Book I, Part 5: We Have Cause to Be Uneasy
- The Wonders of the Last Sea
- Deep Magic From the Dawn of Time
- The Beginning/Epilogue
- No One's Story but Their Own
- Chapter 13-01: Deep Magic From the Dawn of Time
- Called Back to Narnia
- Prologue
- Title
- Book IV, Part 3: Time and Beyond Time
- Die falsche Tür
- Bree's Humbling
- "Oh Trees! Wake Won't You?"
- Book IV, Part 10: Nice People or New Men
- Letter 9- Trough Periods
- De verborgen kracht van het begin van de tijd
- Oh Bree, I'm getting as fat as pet pony
- The Tarkaan Stranger
- Chapter 15c
- What Lucy Found There
- Digory and Polly
- Edmund en de kleerkast
- Sorcery and Sudden Vengeance
- "Who Stands With Me?"
- Chapter 14, Part 02: They Reached the River,...
- Letter 11- Joy, Fun, The Joke Proper, and Flippancy
- Chapter 09-02: In the Witch's House
- Letter 18- Love and Marriage
- Lucy and Mr. Tumnus
- Eine unerwartete Begegnung
- A Good Night's Work
- Uncle Andrew & His Study Vanished
- Look there's a robin
- The King's Rashness
- Was an der Haustür geschah
- I wish I could try this on
- "Poor Eustace"
- Marsepein
- Three Sleepers
- The Lamb
- Woods On the Move
- "They Won't Take Us in Again!"
- Chapter 15a
- A Deeper Magic
- Chapter 09, Part 02: It Was a Cold and Cheerless Waking for Them...)
- Chapter 5: Caspian's Adventure in the Mountains
- Corin, I'm terribly sorry
- In het kasteel van de tovenaars
- The Tales of Narina Began a Long Time Ago
- Chapter 10b
- The Dark Island
- Sounds like bridles
- Terug aan deze kant van de rivier
- Letter 8- The Law of Undulation
- Chapter 09, Part 01: What Lucy Saw
- Chapter 16-01: What Happened About the Statues
- Wat Lucy ontdekte
- Chapter 12, Part 02: There Was No Answer...
- Magic Rings
- Chapter 07-02: A Day With the Beavers
- Aslan Makes a Door in the Air
- Letter 3- Daily Pinpricks
- "Bound By A Spell"
- The House of Harfang
- Trumpkin the Dwarf
- Chapter 08-03: What Happened After Dinner
- Das Ende dieser Geschichte und der Beginn aller anderen
- Chapter 02-01: What Lucy Found There
- The Planting of the Tree
- Letter 16- Church Hopping
- "But It Wasn't a Joke!"
- Book III, Part 4: Morality and Psychoanalysis
- Peter's first battle
- At the Gates of Tashbaan
- Edmund Goes to the Witch
- The Tombs of the Ancient Kings
- Book III, Part 1: The Three Parts of Morality
- Chapter 10d
- I'll Let Go When I've Rung the Bell
- Chapter 06-01: Into the Forest
- To Narnia and the North
- The End of This Story and the Beginning of All the Others
- The Very End of the World
- The Storm and What Came of It
- 416 Wie Bree ein weiseres Pferd wurde
- Book II, Part 4: The Perfect Penitent
- Blowing Queen Susan's Horn
- Chapter 05, Part 02: During the Long Climb Down...
- Chapter 08-02: What Happened After Dinner
- Across the Desert
- Chapter 9b
- 417 Rabadash der Lächerliche
- Chapter 9a
- Chapter 9d
- Book III, Part 11: Faith
- Chapter 9c
- Narnia Awake! Love, Think, Speak
- Talking Beasts
- Goldapfel erlebt ein Abenteuer
- 206 Prinz Corin
- Chapter 12-02: Peter's First Battle
- Aslan Is Nearer
- Chapter 12b
- The Beginning of the End of the World
- Chapter 11, Part 02: "Oh Aslan," Said King Peter...
- A Day With the Beavers
- 'Undo the Wrong'
- The Second Joke
- Letter 7- Patriotism or Pacifism
- Chapter 15, Part 02: "Men of Telmar," Said Aslan
- Chapter 03-02: Edmund and the Wardrobe
- 17 - Rabadash's Harangue
- Letter 4- The Painful Subject of Prayer
- More Than Meets the Eye
- Die Gründung Narnjas
- "Great Scott!" said Edmund
- Rabadash's Harangue
- Back From Beyond the World
- The Pith of Avaris' Story
- The Wardrobe Door/Epilogue
- The Disappearance of Jill
- Narnia Restored
- What Happened After the Statues
- Chapter 08-01: What Happened After Dinner
- Epilogue
- Chapter 3: The Dwarf
- Chapter 13-02: Deep Magic From the Dawn of Time
- Golg
- Book I, Part 1: The Law of Human Nature
- The Marches of the Underland
- Titel en voorwoord
- Chapter 07, Part 01: Old Narnia in Danger
- Chapter 7b
- Chapter 7a
- Chapter 15 - Aslan Makes a Door in the Air
- Chapter 7c
- Do Not Misunderstand Me...
- Tash Has Come
- Some of You...
- 14 - Across The Desert
- Rescue... At a Price
- Chapter 11b
- Prince Shasta
- The Combat of Miraz and Peter
- De kleerkast
- Letter 6- The Art of Redirection
- On Board the Dawn Treader
- The Signs
- How They Discovered Something Worth Knowing
- Chapter 10-02: The Spell Begins to Break
- Letter 20- The Terrestrial and Infernal Venus
- Chapter 2: The Ancient Treasure House
- Letter 12- Great Results From Small Sins
- A Narrow Escape
- Oh my father may you live forever
- Die Glocke und das Hämmerchen
- Chapter 10, Part 01: The Return of the Lion
- Letter 14- Extracting Pride From Humility
- Een dag bij de bevers
- The Deplorable Word
- Chapter 10-03: The Spell Begins to Break
- Edmund and the Wardrobe
- Book III, Part 6: Christian Marriage
- Book IV, Part 9: Counting the Cost
- Chapter 5b
- Chapter 5a
- The Return of the Lion
- The Spell Begins to Break
- The Healing of Harms
- Chapter 5d
- Chapter 5c
- Chapter 3b
- Chapter 3a
- The Prince Corin
- Chapter 8 - How They Left the Island
- Book III, Part 7: Forgiveness
- Chapter 09-01: In the Witch's House
- Deathwater Island
- Digory and His Uncle Are Both in Trouble
- Chapter 2 - The Ancient Treasure House
- A Knight and a Lady
- The Black Knight
- Chapter 14b
- 103 Vor den Toren Tashbaans
- Two Tragedies
- The Wrong Door
- Chapter 13 - The High King in Command
- The Master of the House
- Besides Being Complicated...
- The Golden Bell
- Chapter 13, Part 02: When They Reached Miraz's Tent
- De verborgen kracht voor het begin van de tijd is sterker
- The Deliverance of the Child
- Chapter 14 - How All were Very Busy
- Chapter 11 - The Lion that Roars
- Shift and Puzzle
- In the Tisroc's Chamber
- Chapter 1b
- Chapter 14-02: The Triumph of the Witch
- Chapter 1a
- Chapter 16-02: What Happened About the Statues
- Chapter 6 - The People that lived in hiding
- Chapter 14d
- Chapter 04-02: Turkish Delight
- A Volunteer & a Victim
- Chapter 01-02: Lucy Looks into a Wardrobe
- Chapter 9 - What Lucy Saw
- Chapter 13b
- Harper Audio Presents
- A Parliament of Owls
- Governor Gumpas
- The Ruins of Cair Paravel
- Shasta and the Dwarves
- Now Dogory, We've Got Rid of That Woman & Lion's Gone
- Puddleglum
- Danger to the Prince
- 415 Die Schlacht in Anvard
- Chapter 11-02: Aslan is Nearer
- 12 - Aravis And Lasaraleen
- Ein Baum wird gepflanzt
- Chapter 4 - The Dwarf tells of Prince Caspian
- Wake Up Digory, Wake Up Fledge
- What Lucky Law
- Digory und sein Onkel
- Aravis and Lasaraleen
- Chapter 02-03: What Lucy Found There
- Inside Mother's Room
- Reepicheep's Wounds
- Letter 10- Potential Benefits From New Acquaintances
- Back With the Hermit
- Digory und Onkel Andrew ergeht es schlecht
- Eustace and Reepicheep
- The Hill of the Strange Trenches
- Dragon Island
- Chapter 15d
- 208 Aravis in Tashbaan
- Gazing Into the Battle
- Wake up Human
- Chapter 07-01: A Day With the Beavers
- Chapter 04-01: Turkish Delight
- Whiteness
- The Magician's Book
- It was many years after my first adventure in Narnia
- 207 Shasta bei den Gräbern
- Night Falls on Narnia
- Der erste Witz und anderes mehr
- The Triumph of the Witch
- Into the Wardrobe
- Wat er met de standbeelden gebeurde
- 13 - In The Tisroc's Chamber
- Chapter 15-01: Deeper Magic From Before the Dawn of Time
- 11 - The Tombs Of The Ancient Kings
- Chapter 15b
- Lucy Looks Into a Wardrobe
- Weapons and Preparation
- Sons and Daughters of Adam and Eve
- Chapter 02-02: What Lucy Found There
- Dufflepuds
- The north, the green north
- Digory and His Uncle
- On This View...
- Chapter 01-01: Lucy Looks into a Wardrobe
- It's so cold I think I'm high up
- The Untangling of Uncle Andrew
- Deeper Magic From Before the Dawn of Time
- Book I, Part 4: What Lies Behind the Law
- Going So Soon
- The Lone Islands
- Letter 13- Pains and Pleasures
- Chapter 27 - My dear Wormwood, You seem to be doing very little good at present...
- Chapter 10 - My dear Wormwood, I was delighted to hear from Triptweeze...
- König Peter hat das Kommando
- Chapter 25 - My dear Wormwood, The real trouble about the set your patient is living in...
- Chapter 01 - My dear Wormwood, I note what you say...
- Chapter 21 - My dear Wormwood, Yes. A period of sexual temptation...
- Der Zwerg
- Wie sie die Insel verliessen
- Hexerei und schnelle Vergeltung
- Die Insel
- Chapter 22 - My dear Wormwood, So! Your man is in love...
- Chapter 13 - My dear Wormwood, It seems to me that you take a great many pages...
- Chapter 16 - My dear Wormwood, You mentioned casually in your last letter...
- Chapter 08 - My dear Wormwood, So you have great hopes...
- Alt-Narnia in Gefahr
- Screwtape Proposes a Toast (Part 1)
- Chapter 29 - My dear Wormwood, Now that it is certain the German humans will bombard...
- Chapter 24 - My dear Wormwood, I have been in correspondence with Slumtrimpet...
- Chapter 07 - My dear Wormwood, I wonder you should ask me...
- Die alte Schatzkammer
- Chapter 26 - My dear Wormwood, Yes; courtship is the time for sowing those seeds...
- Der Zwerg erzählt von Prinz Kaspian
- Chapter 02 - My dear Wormwood, I note with grave displeasure that your patient...
- Was Lucy sah
- Chapter 23 - My dear Wormwood, Through this girl and her disgusting family...
- Chapter 14 - My dear Wormwood, The most alarming thing in your last account...
- Chapter 31 - My dear, my very dear Wormwood, my poppet, my pigsnie...
- Chapter 30 - My dear Wormwood, I sometimes wonder whether you think...
- Chapter 09 - My dear Wormwood, I hope my last letter has convinced you...
- Wie alle sehr beschäftigt waren
- Aslan öffnet in der Luft eine Tür
- Die Rückkehr des Löwen
- Chapter 17 - My dear Wormwood, The contemptuous way in which you spoke...
- Die Geschöpfe, die im Verborgenen lebten
- Screwtape Proposes a Toast (Part 2)
- Chapter 03 - My dear Wormwood, I am very pleased by what you tell me...
- Chapter 12 - My dear Wormwood, Obviously you are making excellent progress...
- Kaspians Abenteuer in den Bergen
- Chapter 20 - My dear Wormwood, I note with great displeasure that the Enemy...
- Chapter 05 - My dear Wormwood, It is a little bit disappointing...
- Der Löwe bruellt
- Chapter 11 - My dear Wormwood, Everything is clearly going very well...
- Chapter 15 - My dear Wormwood, I had noticed, of course, that the humans...
- Chapter 28 - My dear Wormwood, When I told you not to fill your letters with rubbish...
- Chapter 06 - My dear Wormwood, I am delighted to hear...
- Ordering Information
- Chapter 04 - My dear Wormwood, The amateurish suggestions in your last letter...
- Chapter 19 - My dear Wormwood, I have been thinking very hard...
- Chapter 18 - My dear Wormwood, Even under Slubgob you must have learned...
- Book 4, Part 1: Prince Caspian
- Book 3, Part 2: The Horse and His Boy
- Book 7, Part 3: The Last Battle
- Book 3, Part 3: The Horse and His Boy
- Book 2, Part 1: The Lion, Witch & The Wardrobe
- Book 5, Part 3: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
- Book 4, Part 2: Prince Caspian
- Book 7, Part 2: The Last Battle
- Book 5, Part 2: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
- Book 7, Part 1: The Last Battle
- Book 1, Part 1: The Magician's Nephew
- Book 6, Part 2: The Silver Chair
- Book 4, Part 3: Prince Caspian
- Book 6, Part 1: The Silver Chair
- Book 2, Part 2: The Lion, Witch & The Wardrobe
- Book 5, Part 1: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
- Book 1, Part 2: The Magician's Nephew
- Book 3, Part 1: The Horse and His Boy
- Book 6, Part 3: The Silver Chair
- 1
- 3
- 5
- 7
- 8
- 2
- 4
- 6
- 12
- 10
- 11
- 9
- "Prisoner Of Hope"
- Letter 24: Spiritual Pride
- "Here And Now"
- Letter 27: Tips on Twisting Prayer
- Letter 21: Minel
- "Sittin' By The Water's Edge"
- Letter 23: The "Historical Jesus"
- Letter 22: Love, Noise and Becoming a Centipede
- Letter 30: Fatigue, and the Meaning of the Word "Real"
- Letter 28: Real Worldliness
- C.S. Lewis bonus tracks
- Letter 22: Addendum: Pshaw on Transformation
- Letter 26: Official, Legal and Nominal Unselfishness
- The End End
- "Dancing Through The Shadows"
- "Love My Neighbor"
- Letter 31: The Inexplicable End
- "This Is A War"
- "What Is Real?"
- "Voices"
- "In The Clouds"
- Letter 25: Merely Christian
- Letter 29: The Benefits and Dangers of Cowardice
- "So This Is Love"
- Douglas Gresham bonus tracks
- “What Is Real?”
- C.S. Lewis
- “Voices”
- “Prisoner of Hope”
- Letter 8: The Law of Undulation
- Letter 1: The Eternal Benefits of Jargon
- “Sittin’ by the Water’s Edge”
- Letter 19: The Enemy Loves the Human Vermin
- Letter 20: The Terrestrial and Infernal Venus
- Letter 2: The Church: Our Ally
- “So This Is Love”
- “Love My Neighbor”
- Letter 12: Great Results From Small Sins
- Letter 14: Extracting Pride From Humility
- Letter 15: The Future
- Letter 9: Trough Periods
- “Here and Now”
- Letter 17: Gluttony Through Delicacy
- “In the Clouds”
- Letter 10: Potential Benefits From New Acquaintances
- Letter 4: The Painful Subject of Prayer
- Douglas Gresham
- Letter 5: War
- Letter 3: Daily Pinpricks
- Letter 6: The Art of Redirection
- Letter 16: Church Hopping
- Letter 7: Patriotism or Pacifism
- “Dancing Through the Shadows”
- Letter 30: Fatigue, and the Meaning of the Word “Real”
- Letter 11: Joy, Fun, the Joke Proper, and Flippancy
- “This Is a War”
- Letter 18: Love and Marriage
- Letter 23: The “Historical Jesus”
- Letter 13: Pains and Pleasures
- Was sich nach dem Essen ereignete
- Zurück aus Narnia
- Was Lucy dort fand
- Was mit den versteinerten Figuren geschah
- Lucy schaut in einen Wandschrank
- Türkischer Honig
- Ein Tag bei den Biebern
- Aslan naht
- Hinein in die Wälder
- Im Haus der Zauberin
- Peters erster Kampf
- Noch tieferer Zauber aus der Zeiten Dämmerung
- Tiefer Urzauber aus der Zeiten Dämmerung
- Die Jagd auf den weißen Hirsch
- Der Zauberbann weicht
- Edmund und der Wandschrank
- Die Hexe triumphiert
- In the Witch’s House
- Peter’s First Battle
- 310 Im Hause des Tisroc
- 312 Der Einsiedler
- 311 Durch die Wueste
- 313 Der unwillkommene Reisegefaehrte
- The Silver Chair, Part 14
- The Silver Chair, Part 10
- The Silver Chair, Part 12
- The Silver Chair, Part 16
- The Silver Chair, Part 18
- The Last Battle, Part 11
- The Last Battle, Part 10
- The Last Battle, Part 17
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 23
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 21
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 25
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 27
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 29
- The Last Battle, Part 16
- The Last Battle, Part 19
- The Last Battle, Part 18
- The Last Battle, Part 13
- The Last Battle, Part 12
- The Last Battle, Part 15
- The Last Battle, Part 14
- The Last Battle, Part 1
- The Last Battle, Part 3
- The Last Battle, Part 5
- The Last Battle, Part 7
- The Last Battle, Part 9
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 12
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 10
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 14
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 16
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 18
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 1
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 3
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 5
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 7
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 9
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 18
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 17
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 19
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 20
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 14
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 13
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 16
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 15
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 10
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 12
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 11
- The Silver Chair, Part 20
- The Silver Chair, Part 1
- The Silver Chair, Part 5
- The Silver Chair, Part 4
- The Silver Chair, Part 3
- The Silver Chair, Part 2
- The Silver Chair, Part 9
- The Silver Chair, Part 8
- The Silver Chair, Part 7
- The Silver Chair, Part 6
- Prince Caspian, Part 4
- Prince Caspian, Part 5
- Prince Caspian, Part 6
- Prince Caspian, Part 14
- Prince Caspian, Part 10
- Prince Caspian, Part 12
- Prince Caspian, Part 16
- Prince Caspian, Part 18
- Prince Caspian, Part 7
- Prince Caspian, Part 1
- Prince Caspian, Part 2
- Prince Caspian, Part 3
- The Magicians Nephew, Part 10
- The Magicians Nephew, Part 12
- The Magicians Nephew, Part 14
- The Magicians Nephew, Part 16
- Prince Caspian, Part 8
- Prince Caspian, Part 9
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 19
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 11
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 13
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 15
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 17
- Prince Caspian, Part 24
- Prince Caspian, Part 20
- Prince Caspian, Part 22
- Prince Caspian, Part 26
- The Silver Chair, Part 17
- The Silver Chair, Part 13
- The Silver Chair, Part 19
- The Silver Chair, Part 11
- The Silver Chair, Part 15
- The Last Battle, Part 21
- The Last Battle, Part 20
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 28
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 22
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 20
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 24
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 26
- The Last Battle, Part 23
- The Last Battle, Part 22
- The Last Battle, Part 2
- The Last Battle, Part 4
- The Last Battle, Part 6
- The Last Battle, Part 8
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 4
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 5
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 6
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 2
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 7
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 1
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 8
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 4
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 17
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 15
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 19
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 11
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 13
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 9
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 3
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 6
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 5
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 8
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 7
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 9
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 2
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 4
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 6
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 8
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 1
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 2
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 3
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 21
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 24
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 23
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 20
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 22
- The Horse and His Boy, Part 21
- The Silver Chair, Part 21
- Prince Caspian, Part 11
- Prince Caspian, Part 13
- Prince Caspian, Part 15
- Prince Caspian, Part 17
- Prince Caspian, Part 19
- The Magicians Nephew, Part 2
- The Magicians Nephew, Part 11
- The Magicians Nephew, Part 3
- The Magicians Nephew, Part 13
- The Magicians Nephew, Part 15
- The Magicians Nephew, Part 17
- The Magicians Nephew, Part 1
- The Magicians Nephew, Part 6
- The Magicians Nephew, Part 7
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 12
- The Magicians Nephew, Part 4
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 18
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 10
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 14
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 16
- The Magicians Nephew, Part 5
- The Magicians Nephew, Part 8
- The Magicians Nephew, Part 9
- Prince Caspian, Part 21
- Prince Caspian, Part 23
- Prince Caspian, Part 25
- Prince Caspian, Part 27
- Brief 3
- Brief 1
- Brief 5
- Brief 7
- Brief 9
- Vorwort
- Brief 13
- Brief 14
- Brief 15
- Brief 16
- Brief 17
- Brief 18
- Brief 19
- Brief 10
- Brief 30
- Brief 11
- Brief 31
- Brief 12
- Brief 8
- Brief 2
- Brief 4
- Brief 6
- Brief 23
- Brief 24
- Brief 25
- Brief 26
- Brief 27
- Brief 28
- Brief 29
- Brief 20
- Brief 21
- Brief 22
- Endmatter
- Strawberry’s Adventure
- ‘Undo the Wrong’
- ‘Narnia, Awake!’
- Screwtape Letters
- Spor 10
- Spor 12
- Spor 14
- Spor 7
- Spor 6
- Spor 9
- Spor 8
- Spor 3
- Spor 2
- Spor 5
- Spor 4
- Spor 1
- Spor 11
- Spor 13
- Spor 15
- The Magician’s Nephew, Part 11
- The Magician’s Nephew, Part 13
- The Magician’s Nephew, Part 15
- The Magician’s Nephew, Part 17
- The Magician’s Nephew, Part 7
- The Magician’s Nephew, Part 6
- The Magician’s Nephew, Part 5
- The Magician’s Nephew, Part 4
- The Magician’s Nephew, Part 3
- The Magician’s Nephew, Part 2
- The Magician’s Nephew, Part 1
- The Magician’s Nephew, Part 9
- The Magician’s Nephew, Part 8
- The Magician’s Nephew, Part 10
- The Magician’s Nephew, Part 12
- The Magician’s Nephew, Part 14
- The Magician’s Nephew, Part 16
- Prince Caspian Lived In
- A Little Before Two O'Clock
- The Next Morning
- Now Began The Happiest
- Trumpkin And The Two Boys
- After This, Caspian
- And So, Said Trumpkin
- When The Great Knight Came
- Next Day Messengers Were Sent
- Now, Said Peter
- Once There Were Four Children
- This Wasn't A Garden
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 6
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 5
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 8
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 7
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 2
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 1
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 4
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 3
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 9
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 10
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 12
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 14
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 16
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 18
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 11
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 13
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 15
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 17
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 19
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 20
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 22
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 24
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 26
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 28
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 30
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 32
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 34
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 36
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 38
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 40
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 42
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 29
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 21
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 23
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 25
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 27
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 39
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 31
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 33
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 35
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 37
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 41
- Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 43
- Untitled
- Session 2: "Philia"
- Session 3: "Eros"
- The Four Loves
- Session 4: "Agape" / End Credits
- Opening Credits / Session 1: "Storge"
- Session 4: Agape / End Credits
- Opening Credits / Session 1: Storge
- Session 3: Eros
- Session 2: Philia