
C. S. Lewis Songtexte
Der erste Witz und anderes mehr

Geboren am 29. November 1898, Gestorben am 22. November 1963


  1. When can I set off
  2. Letter 1- The Eternal Benefits of Jargon
  3. Back on This Side of the Door
  4. A Wayside Adventure
  5. Book IV, Part 11: The New Men
  6. Das unaussprechliche Wort
  7. 101 Shasta macht sich auf den Weg
  8. The Sailing of the King
  9. Letter 2- The Church- Our Ally
  10. Up Till Then I'd Been Looking at the Lion's Great Feet
  11. Chapter 06-02: Into the Forest
  12. Der Wald zwischen den Welten
  13. The Hunting of the White Stag
  14. The Wood Between the Worlds
  15. 205 Shasta trifft die Narnianen
  16. Chapter 10a
  17. An Unexpected Meeting
  18. The Bad Psychological Material...
  19. Aslan in Narnia?
  20. Here we are. Boiled eggs, sardines on toast
  21. Strawberry's Adventure
  22. The Fords of Beruna
  23. "The Dwarfs Are for the Dwarfs!"
  24. The Rightful Heir
  25. What Happened After Dinner
  26. The Island of the Voices
  27. 104 Shasta trifft die Narnianen
  28. Letter 19- The Enemy Loves the Human Vermin
  29. 414 Shasta in Narnia
  30. The Beginning of Uncle Andrew's Troubles
  31. De jacht op het witte hert
  32. 10 - The Prince Corin
  33. Chapter 14-03: The Triumph of the Witch
  34. Book II, Part 1: The Rival Conceptions of God
  35. Oh Edmund so you've got in too
  36. Chapter 08, Part 02: All Five of Them Came Out Into the Courtyard.
  37. Peters eerste veldslag
  38. Inside the Stable
  39. Chapter 10-04: The Spell Begins to Break
  40. Into the Forest
  41. The First Joke and Other Matters
  42. Chapter 10 - The Return of the Lion
  43. Na het eten
  44. Book IV, Part 5: The Obstinate Toy Soldiers
  45. The Old Days
  46. 15 - The Race To Anvard
  47. Die Schlacht am Laternenpfahl
  48. Emeth & Aslan
  49. Narnia Is No More
  50. Book III, Part 8: The Great Sin
  51. Onkel Andrew hat Probleme
  52. Book I, Part 3: The Reality of the Law
  53. Chapter 10c
  54. How All Were Very Busy
  55. Book IV, Part 7: Let's Pretend
  56. I can't go on much longer
  57. Turkish Delight
  58. Rabadash the Ridiculous
  59. Book III, Part 9: Charity
  60. Now, Polly, the Rings Quick
  61. 102 Ein Abenteuer am Wegesrand
  62. Chapter 4: The Dwarf tells of Prince Caspian
  63. Book III, Part 2: The "Cardinal Virtues"
  64. Book II, Part 5: The Practical Conclusion
  65. Well I must simply go Aravis Darling
  66. Chapter 8c
  67. Chapter 8b
  68. The Fight at the Lamp-Post
  69. The Queen of Narnia
  70. Chapter 8a
  71. Chapter 3 - The Dwarf
  72. What Happened at the Front Door
  73. Chapter 11-01: Aslan is Nearer
  74. The Council of Dancing Lawn
  75. De overwinning van de tovernares
  76. What a beautiful place
  77. The Next Moment the Country Dropped Away
  78. Chapter 11c
  79. The End of the Underworld
  80. Chapter 12a
  81. Chapter 12, Part 01: Sorcery and Sudden Vengeance
  82. And what, pray, are you
  83. Book IV, Part 6: Two Notes
  84. Book IV, Part 2: The Three / Personal God
  85. Letter 17- Gluttony Through Delicacy
  86. Lucy Betrayed
  87. A Girl and Her Father
  88. Chapter 16-03: What Happened About the Statues
  89. The Bell and the Hammer
  90. Chapter 03-01: Edmund and the Wardrobe
  91. 16 - Back With The Hermit
  92. Letter 5- War
  93. Chapter 07-03: A Day With the Beavers
  94. Chapter 1 - The Island
  95. Letter 15- The Future
  96. Chapter 10-01: The Spell Begins to Break
  97. Chapter 11, Part 01: The Lion Roars
  98. Blown to Narnia
  99. The Spell Is Breaking
  100. Chapter 10, Part 02: She Got Up,...
  101. Meeting Aslan
  102. Now Let Us Proceed to the Coronation
  103. Chapter 17-01: The Hunting of the White Stag
  104. Chapter 6b
  105. Chapter 15-02: Deeper Magic From Before the Dawn of Time
  106. Chapter 6a
  107. Chapter 12 - Sorcery and Sudden Vengeance
  108. Oh I Do Wish Polly Would Hurry Up
  109. Aslan komt dichterbij
  110. If You Disagree...
  111. Chapter 08, Part 01: How They Left the Island
  112. The High King in Command
  113. Chapter 11a
  114. Chapter 12c
  115. Chapter 07, Part 02: It Was Certainly an Awesome Place...
  116. Introduction
  117. Everything Happened So Quickly
  118. The Race to Anvard
  119. Chapter 05-02: Back on This Side of the Door
  120. A Roll in the Grass
  121. C.S. Lewis and Douglas Gresham
  122. The Founding of Narnia
  123. Book III, Part 3: Social Morality
  124. Chapter 15, Part 01: Aslan Makes a Door in the Air
  125. I'm back it's alright everyone
  126. Poggin's Story
  127. The Picture in the Bedroom
  128. Help Arrives
  129. 'Narnia, Awake!'
  130. Chapter 17-03: The Hunting of the White Stag
  131. Where Are We, Will Someone Tell Me
  132. Chapter 06, Part 02: Their Next Visit Was a Pleasanter One.
  133. The Lady of the Green Kirtle
  134. Book II, Part 3: The Shocking Alternative
  135. Chapter 14-01: The Triumph of the Witch
  136. Charn
  137. Chapter 12-03: Peter's First Battle
  138. Chapter 4c
  139. What Indeed
  140. Chapter 4b
  141. Book III, Part 5: Sexual Morality
  142. Chapter 4a
  143. Chapter 04-03: Turkish Delight
  144. Chapter 5 - Caspian's Adventure in the Mountains
  145. Chapter 17-02: The Hunting of the White Stag
  146. Shasta Falls in With the Narnians
  147. Caspian followed the Doctor
  148. Tirian the Captive
  149. Lord Shift
  150. One Who Has Waited Long for You
  151. Kings & Queens in Narnia
  152. Chapter 13c
  153. "Further Up and Further In!"
  154. Little Lady we bid you heartly welcome
  155. A Miracle
  156. Book IV, Part 8: Is Christianity Hard or Easy?
  157. The Wooden Doorway
  158. Chapter 06, Part 01: The People That Lived in Hiding
  159. Chapter 14a
  160. Harper Collins Presents Mere Christianity
  161. Chapter 05-01: Back on This Side of the Door
  162. Narnia's Last Battle
  163. Book IV, Part 1: Making and Begetting
  164. It touched me
  165. The Great Bonfire Meeting
  166. Chapter 14, Part 01: How All Were Very Busy
  167. Chapter 7 - Old Narnia in Danger
  168. Dug Up into Narnia
  169. Help From the Beavers
  170. Chapter 11-03: Aslan is Nearer
  171. In the Witch's House
  172. The Witch's Triumph
  173. The shore that they were walking on
  174. Chapter 2c
  175. Please Mr Lion, Will You Give Me Some Magic Fruit
  176. Book III, Part 10: Hope
  177. Chapter 2b
  178. Chapter 2a
  179. 209 Im Hause des Tisroc
  180. Chapter 14c
  181. Chapter 13, Part 01: The High King in Command
  182. Bree-Hinny-Brinny-Hoohy-Hah
  183. The Magician's Nephew
  184. Giants, Not Rocks
  185. When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone
  186. Het begin van het einde
  187. Chapter 13a
  188. "It's Father Christmas!"
  189. Book I, Part 2: Some Objections
  190. Book IV, Part 4: Good Infection
  191. Chapter 12-01: Peter's First Battle
  192. Het bos in
  193. Book III, Part 12: Faith
  194. Farewall to the Shadow-Lands
  195. Book I, Part 5: We Have Cause to Be Uneasy
  196. The Wonders of the Last Sea
  197. Deep Magic From the Dawn of Time
  198. The Beginning/Epilogue
  199. No One's Story but Their Own
  200. Chapter 13-01: Deep Magic From the Dawn of Time
  201. Called Back to Narnia
  202. Prologue
  203. Title
  204. Book IV, Part 3: Time and Beyond Time
  205. Die falsche Tür
  206. Bree's Humbling
  207. "Oh Trees! Wake Won't You?"
  208. Book IV, Part 10: Nice People or New Men
  209. Letter 9- Trough Periods
  210. De verborgen kracht van het begin van de tijd
  211. Oh Bree, I'm getting as fat as pet pony
  212. The Tarkaan Stranger
  213. Chapter 15c
  214. What Lucy Found There
  215. Digory and Polly
  216. Edmund en de kleerkast
  217. Sorcery and Sudden Vengeance
  218. "Who Stands With Me?"
  219. Chapter 14, Part 02: They Reached the River,...
  220. Letter 11- Joy, Fun, The Joke Proper, and Flippancy
  221. Chapter 09-02: In the Witch's House
  222. Letter 18- Love and Marriage
  223. Lucy and Mr. Tumnus
  224. Eine unerwartete Begegnung
  225. A Good Night's Work
  226. Uncle Andrew & His Study Vanished
  227. Look there's a robin
  228. The King's Rashness
  229. Was an der Haustür geschah
  230. I wish I could try this on
  231. "Poor Eustace"
  232. Marsepein
  233. Three Sleepers
  234. The Lamb
  235. Woods On the Move
  236. "They Won't Take Us in Again!"
  237. Chapter 15a
  238. A Deeper Magic
  239. Chapter 09, Part 02: It Was a Cold and Cheerless Waking for Them...)
  240. Chapter 5: Caspian's Adventure in the Mountains
  241. Corin, I'm terribly sorry
  242. In het kasteel van de tovenaars
  243. The Tales of Narina Began a Long Time Ago
  244. Chapter 10b
  245. The Dark Island
  246. Sounds like bridles
  247. Terug aan deze kant van de rivier
  248. Letter 8- The Law of Undulation
  249. Chapter 09, Part 01: What Lucy Saw
  250. Chapter 16-01: What Happened About the Statues
  251. Wat Lucy ontdekte
  252. Chapter 12, Part 02: There Was No Answer...
  253. Magic Rings
  254. Chapter 07-02: A Day With the Beavers
  255. Aslan Makes a Door in the Air
  256. Letter 3- Daily Pinpricks
  257. "Bound By A Spell"
  258. The House of Harfang
  259. Trumpkin the Dwarf
  260. Chapter 08-03: What Happened After Dinner
  261. Das Ende dieser Geschichte und der Beginn aller anderen
  262. Chapter 02-01: What Lucy Found There
  263. The Planting of the Tree
  264. Letter 16- Church Hopping
  265. "But It Wasn't a Joke!"
  266. Book III, Part 4: Morality and Psychoanalysis
  267. Peter's first battle
  268. At the Gates of Tashbaan
  269. Edmund Goes to the Witch
  270. The Tombs of the Ancient Kings
  271. Book III, Part 1: The Three Parts of Morality
  272. Chapter 10d
  273. I'll Let Go When I've Rung the Bell
  274. Chapter 06-01: Into the Forest
  275. To Narnia and the North
  276. The End of This Story and the Beginning of All the Others
  277. The Very End of the World
  278. The Storm and What Came of It
  279. 416 Wie Bree ein weiseres Pferd wurde
  280. Book II, Part 4: The Perfect Penitent
  281. Blowing Queen Susan's Horn
  282. Chapter 05, Part 02: During the Long Climb Down...
  283. Chapter 08-02: What Happened After Dinner
  284. Across the Desert
  285. Chapter 9b
  286. 417 Rabadash der Lächerliche
  287. Chapter 9a
  288. Chapter 9d
  289. Book III, Part 11: Faith
  290. Chapter 9c
  291. Narnia Awake! Love, Think, Speak
  292. Talking Beasts
  293. Goldapfel erlebt ein Abenteuer
  294. 206 Prinz Corin
  295. Chapter 12-02: Peter's First Battle
  296. Aslan Is Nearer
  297. Chapter 12b
  298. The Beginning of the End of the World
  299. Chapter 11, Part 02: "Oh Aslan," Said King Peter...
  300. A Day With the Beavers
  301. 'Undo the Wrong'
  302. The Second Joke
  303. Letter 7- Patriotism or Pacifism
  304. Chapter 15, Part 02: "Men of Telmar," Said Aslan
  305. Chapter 03-02: Edmund and the Wardrobe
  306. 17 - Rabadash's Harangue
  307. Letter 4- The Painful Subject of Prayer
  308. More Than Meets the Eye
  309. Die Gründung Narnjas
  310. "Great Scott!" said Edmund
  311. Rabadash's Harangue
  312. Back From Beyond the World
  313. The Pith of Avaris' Story
  314. The Wardrobe Door/Epilogue
  315. The Disappearance of Jill
  316. Narnia Restored
  317. What Happened After the Statues
  318. Chapter 08-01: What Happened After Dinner
  319. Epilogue
  320. Chapter 3: The Dwarf
  321. Chapter 13-02: Deep Magic From the Dawn of Time
  322. Golg
  323. Book I, Part 1: The Law of Human Nature
  324. The Marches of the Underland
  325. Titel en voorwoord
  326. Chapter 07, Part 01: Old Narnia in Danger
  327. Chapter 7b
  328. Chapter 7a
  329. Chapter 15 - Aslan Makes a Door in the Air
  330. Chapter 7c
  331. Do Not Misunderstand Me...
  332. Tash Has Come
  333. Some of You...
  334. 14 - Across The Desert
  335. Rescue... At a Price
  336. Chapter 11b
  337. Prince Shasta
  338. The Combat of Miraz and Peter
  339. De kleerkast
  340. Letter 6- The Art of Redirection
  341. On Board the Dawn Treader
  342. The Signs
  343. How They Discovered Something Worth Knowing
  344. Chapter 10-02: The Spell Begins to Break
  345. Letter 20- The Terrestrial and Infernal Venus
  346. Chapter 2: The Ancient Treasure House
  347. Letter 12- Great Results From Small Sins
  348. A Narrow Escape
  349. Oh my father may you live forever
  350. Die Glocke und das Hämmerchen
  351. Chapter 10, Part 01: The Return of the Lion
  352. Letter 14- Extracting Pride From Humility
  353. Een dag bij de bevers
  354. The Deplorable Word
  355. Chapter 10-03: The Spell Begins to Break
  356. Edmund and the Wardrobe
  357. Book III, Part 6: Christian Marriage
  358. Book IV, Part 9: Counting the Cost
  359. Chapter 5b
  360. Chapter 5a
  361. The Return of the Lion
  362. The Spell Begins to Break
  363. The Healing of Harms
  364. Chapter 5d
  365. Chapter 5c
  366. Chapter 3b
  367. Chapter 3a
  368. The Prince Corin
  369. Chapter 8 - How They Left the Island
  370. Book III, Part 7: Forgiveness
  371. Chapter 09-01: In the Witch's House
  372. Deathwater Island
  373. Digory and His Uncle Are Both in Trouble
  374. Chapter 2 - The Ancient Treasure House
  375. A Knight and a Lady
  376. The Black Knight
  377. Chapter 14b
  378. 103 Vor den Toren Tashbaans
  379. Two Tragedies
  380. The Wrong Door
  381. Chapter 13 - The High King in Command
  382. The Master of the House
  383. Besides Being Complicated...
  384. The Golden Bell
  385. Chapter 13, Part 02: When They Reached Miraz's Tent
  386. De verborgen kracht voor het begin van de tijd is sterker
  387. The Deliverance of the Child
  388. Chapter 14 - How All were Very Busy
  389. Chapter 11 - The Lion that Roars
  390. Shift and Puzzle
  391. In the Tisroc's Chamber
  392. Chapter 1b
  393. Chapter 14-02: The Triumph of the Witch
  394. Chapter 1a
  395. Chapter 16-02: What Happened About the Statues
  396. Chapter 6 - The People that lived in hiding
  397. Chapter 14d
  398. Chapter 04-02: Turkish Delight
  399. A Volunteer & a Victim
  400. Chapter 01-02: Lucy Looks into a Wardrobe
  401. Chapter 9 - What Lucy Saw
  402. Chapter 13b
  403. Harper Audio Presents
  404. A Parliament of Owls
  405. Governor Gumpas
  406. The Ruins of Cair Paravel
  407. Shasta and the Dwarves
  408. Now Dogory, We've Got Rid of That Woman & Lion's Gone
  409. Puddleglum
  410. Danger to the Prince
  411. 415 Die Schlacht in Anvard
  412. Chapter 11-02: Aslan is Nearer
  413. 12 - Aravis And Lasaraleen
  414. Ein Baum wird gepflanzt
  415. Chapter 4 - The Dwarf tells of Prince Caspian
  416. Wake Up Digory, Wake Up Fledge
  417. What Lucky Law
  418. Digory und sein Onkel
  419. Aravis and Lasaraleen
  420. Chapter 02-03: What Lucy Found There
  421. Inside Mother's Room
  422. Reepicheep's Wounds
  423. Letter 10- Potential Benefits From New Acquaintances
  424. Back With the Hermit
  425. Digory und Onkel Andrew ergeht es schlecht
  426. Eustace and Reepicheep
  427. The Hill of the Strange Trenches
  428. Dragon Island
  429. Chapter 15d
  430. 208 Aravis in Tashbaan
  431. Gazing Into the Battle
  432. Wake up Human
  433. Chapter 07-01: A Day With the Beavers
  434. Chapter 04-01: Turkish Delight
  435. Whiteness
  436. The Magician's Book
  437. It was many years after my first adventure in Narnia
  438. 207 Shasta bei den Gräbern
  439. Night Falls on Narnia
  440. Der erste Witz und anderes mehr
  441. The Triumph of the Witch
  442. Into the Wardrobe
  443. Wat er met de standbeelden gebeurde
  444. 13 - In The Tisroc's Chamber
  445. Chapter 15-01: Deeper Magic From Before the Dawn of Time
  446. 11 - The Tombs Of The Ancient Kings
  447. Chapter 15b
  448. Lucy Looks Into a Wardrobe
  449. Weapons and Preparation
  450. Sons and Daughters of Adam and Eve
  451. Chapter 02-02: What Lucy Found There
  452. Dufflepuds
  453. The north, the green north
  454. Digory and His Uncle
  455. On This View...
  456. Chapter 01-01: Lucy Looks into a Wardrobe
  457. It's so cold I think I'm high up
  458. The Untangling of Uncle Andrew
  459. Deeper Magic From Before the Dawn of Time
  460. Book I, Part 4: What Lies Behind the Law
  461. Going So Soon
  462. The Lone Islands
  463. Letter 13- Pains and Pleasures
  464. Chapter 27 - My dear Wormwood, You seem to be doing very little good at present...
  465. Chapter 10 - My dear Wormwood, I was delighted to hear from Triptweeze...
  466. König Peter hat das Kommando
  467. Chapter 25 - My dear Wormwood, The real trouble about the set your patient is living in...
  468. Chapter 01 - My dear Wormwood, I note what you say...
  469. Chapter 21 - My dear Wormwood, Yes. A period of sexual temptation...
  470. Der Zwerg
  471. Wie sie die Insel verliessen
  472. Hexerei und schnelle Vergeltung
  473. Die Insel
  474. Chapter 22 - My dear Wormwood, So! Your man is in love...
  475. Chapter 13 - My dear Wormwood, It seems to me that you take a great many pages...
  476. Chapter 16 - My dear Wormwood, You mentioned casually in your last letter...
  477. Chapter 08 - My dear Wormwood, So you have great hopes...
  478. Alt-Narnia in Gefahr
  479. Screwtape Proposes a Toast (Part 1)
  480. Chapter 29 - My dear Wormwood, Now that it is certain the German humans will bombard...
  481. Chapter 24 - My dear Wormwood, I have been in correspondence with Slumtrimpet...
  482. Chapter 07 - My dear Wormwood, I wonder you should ask me...
  483. Die alte Schatzkammer
  484. Chapter 26 - My dear Wormwood, Yes; courtship is the time for sowing those seeds...
  485. Der Zwerg erzählt von Prinz Kaspian
  486. Chapter 02 - My dear Wormwood, I note with grave displeasure that your patient...
  487. Was Lucy sah
  488. Chapter 23 - My dear Wormwood, Through this girl and her disgusting family...
  489. Chapter 14 - My dear Wormwood, The most alarming thing in your last account...
  490. Chapter 31 - My dear, my very dear Wormwood, my poppet, my pigsnie...
  491. Chapter 30 - My dear Wormwood, I sometimes wonder whether you think...
  492. Chapter 09 - My dear Wormwood, I hope my last letter has convinced you...
  493. Wie alle sehr beschäftigt waren
  494. Aslan öffnet in der Luft eine Tür
  495. Die Rückkehr des Löwen
  496. Chapter 17 - My dear Wormwood, The contemptuous way in which you spoke...
  497. Die Geschöpfe, die im Verborgenen lebten
  498. Screwtape Proposes a Toast (Part 2)
  499. Chapter 03 - My dear Wormwood, I am very pleased by what you tell me...
  500. Chapter 12 - My dear Wormwood, Obviously you are making excellent progress...
  501. Kaspians Abenteuer in den Bergen
  502. Chapter 20 - My dear Wormwood, I note with great displeasure that the Enemy...
  503. Chapter 05 - My dear Wormwood, It is a little bit disappointing...
  504. Der Löwe bruellt
  505. Chapter 11 - My dear Wormwood, Everything is clearly going very well...
  506. Chapter 15 - My dear Wormwood, I had noticed, of course, that the humans...
  507. Chapter 28 - My dear Wormwood, When I told you not to fill your letters with rubbish...
  508. Chapter 06 - My dear Wormwood, I am delighted to hear...
  509. Ordering Information
  510. Chapter 04 - My dear Wormwood, The amateurish suggestions in your last letter...
  511. Chapter 19 - My dear Wormwood, I have been thinking very hard...
  512. Chapter 18 - My dear Wormwood, Even under Slubgob you must have learned...
  513. Book 4, Part 1: Prince Caspian
  514. Book 3, Part 2: The Horse and His Boy
  515. Book 7, Part 3: The Last Battle
  516. Book 3, Part 3: The Horse and His Boy
  517. Book 2, Part 1: The Lion, Witch & The Wardrobe
  518. Book 5, Part 3: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  519. Book 4, Part 2: Prince Caspian
  520. Book 7, Part 2: The Last Battle
  521. Book 5, Part 2: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  522. Book 7, Part 1: The Last Battle
  523. Book 1, Part 1: The Magician's Nephew
  524. Book 6, Part 2: The Silver Chair
  525. Book 4, Part 3: Prince Caspian
  526. Book 6, Part 1: The Silver Chair
  527. Book 2, Part 2: The Lion, Witch & The Wardrobe
  528. Book 5, Part 1: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  529. Book 1, Part 2: The Magician's Nephew
  530. Book 3, Part 1: The Horse and His Boy
  531. Book 6, Part 3: The Silver Chair
  532. 1
  533. 3
  534. 5
  535. 7
  536. 8
  537. 2
  538. 4
  539. 6
  540. 12
  541. 10
  542. 11
  543. 9
  544. "Prisoner Of Hope"
  545. Letter 24: Spiritual Pride
  546. "Here And Now"
  547. Letter 27: Tips on Twisting Prayer
  548. Letter 21: Minel
  549. "Sittin' By The Water's Edge"
  550. Letter 23: The "Historical Jesus"
  551. Letter 22: Love, Noise and Becoming a Centipede
  552. Letter 30: Fatigue, and the Meaning of the Word "Real"
  553. Letter 28: Real Worldliness
  554. C.S. Lewis bonus tracks
  555. Letter 22: Addendum: Pshaw on Transformation
  556. Letter 26: Official, Legal and Nominal Unselfishness
  557. The End End
  558. "Dancing Through The Shadows"
  559. "Love My Neighbor"
  560. Letter 31: The Inexplicable End
  561. "This Is A War"
  562. "What Is Real?"
  563. "Voices"
  564. "In The Clouds"
  565. Letter 25: Merely Christian
  566. Letter 29: The Benefits and Dangers of Cowardice
  567. "So This Is Love"
  568. Douglas Gresham bonus tracks
  569. “What Is Real?”
  570. C.S. Lewis
  571. “Voices”
  572. “Prisoner of Hope”
  573. Letter 8: The Law of Undulation
  574. Letter 1: The Eternal Benefits of Jargon
  575. “Sittin’ by the Water’s Edge”
  576. Letter 19: The Enemy Loves the Human Vermin
  577. Letter 20: The Terrestrial and Infernal Venus
  578. Letter 2: The Church: Our Ally
  579. “So This Is Love”
  580. “Love My Neighbor”
  581. Letter 12: Great Results From Small Sins
  582. Letter 14: Extracting Pride From Humility
  583. Letter 15: The Future
  584. Letter 9: Trough Periods
  585. “Here and Now”
  586. Letter 17: Gluttony Through Delicacy
  587. “In the Clouds”
  588. Letter 10: Potential Benefits From New Acquaintances
  589. Letter 4: The Painful Subject of Prayer
  590. Douglas Gresham
  591. Letter 5: War
  592. Letter 3: Daily Pinpricks
  593. Letter 6: The Art of Redirection
  594. Letter 16: Church Hopping
  595. Letter 7: Patriotism or Pacifism
  596. “Dancing Through the Shadows”
  597. Letter 30: Fatigue, and the Meaning of the Word “Real”
  598. Letter 11: Joy, Fun, the Joke Proper, and Flippancy
  599. “This Is a War”
  600. Letter 18: Love and Marriage
  601. Letter 23: The “Historical Jesus”
  602. Letter 13: Pains and Pleasures
  603. Was sich nach dem Essen ereignete
  604. Zurück aus Narnia
  605. Was Lucy dort fand
  606. Was mit den versteinerten Figuren geschah
  607. Lucy schaut in einen Wandschrank
  608. Türkischer Honig
  609. Ein Tag bei den Biebern
  610. Aslan naht
  611. Hinein in die Wälder
  612. Im Haus der Zauberin
  613. Peters erster Kampf
  614. Noch tieferer Zauber aus der Zeiten Dämmerung
  615. Tiefer Urzauber aus der Zeiten Dämmerung
  616. Die Jagd auf den weißen Hirsch
  617. Der Zauberbann weicht
  618. Edmund und der Wandschrank
  619. Die Hexe triumphiert
  620. In the Witch’s House
  621. Peter’s First Battle
  622. 310 Im Hause des Tisroc
  623. 312 Der Einsiedler
  624. 311 Durch die Wueste
  625. 313 Der unwillkommene Reisegefaehrte
  626. The Silver Chair, Part 14
  627. The Silver Chair, Part 10
  628. The Silver Chair, Part 12
  629. The Silver Chair, Part 16
  630. The Silver Chair, Part 18
  631. The Last Battle, Part 11
  632. The Last Battle, Part 10
  633. The Last Battle, Part 17
  634. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 23
  635. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 21
  636. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 25
  637. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 27
  638. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 29
  639. The Last Battle, Part 16
  640. The Last Battle, Part 19
  641. The Last Battle, Part 18
  642. The Last Battle, Part 13
  643. The Last Battle, Part 12
  644. The Last Battle, Part 15
  645. The Last Battle, Part 14
  646. The Last Battle, Part 1
  647. The Last Battle, Part 3
  648. The Last Battle, Part 5
  649. The Last Battle, Part 7
  650. The Last Battle, Part 9
  651. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 12
  652. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 10
  653. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 14
  654. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 16
  655. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 18
  656. The Horse and His Boy, Part 1
  657. The Horse and His Boy, Part 3
  658. The Horse and His Boy, Part 5
  659. The Horse and His Boy, Part 7
  660. The Horse and His Boy, Part 9
  661. The Horse and His Boy, Part 18
  662. The Horse and His Boy, Part 17
  663. The Horse and His Boy, Part 19
  664. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 20
  665. The Horse and His Boy, Part 14
  666. The Horse and His Boy, Part 13
  667. The Horse and His Boy, Part 16
  668. The Horse and His Boy, Part 15
  669. The Horse and His Boy, Part 10
  670. The Horse and His Boy, Part 12
  671. The Horse and His Boy, Part 11
  672. The Silver Chair, Part 20
  673. The Silver Chair, Part 1
  674. The Silver Chair, Part 5
  675. The Silver Chair, Part 4
  676. The Silver Chair, Part 3
  677. The Silver Chair, Part 2
  678. The Silver Chair, Part 9
  679. The Silver Chair, Part 8
  680. The Silver Chair, Part 7
  681. The Silver Chair, Part 6
  682. Prince Caspian, Part 4
  683. Prince Caspian, Part 5
  684. Prince Caspian, Part 6
  685. Prince Caspian, Part 14
  686. Prince Caspian, Part 10
  687. Prince Caspian, Part 12
  688. Prince Caspian, Part 16
  689. Prince Caspian, Part 18
  690. Prince Caspian, Part 7
  691. Prince Caspian, Part 1
  692. Prince Caspian, Part 2
  693. Prince Caspian, Part 3
  694. The Magicians Nephew, Part 10
  695. The Magicians Nephew, Part 12
  696. The Magicians Nephew, Part 14
  697. The Magicians Nephew, Part 16
  698. Prince Caspian, Part 8
  699. Prince Caspian, Part 9
  700. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 19
  701. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 11
  702. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 13
  703. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 15
  704. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 17
  705. Prince Caspian, Part 24
  706. Prince Caspian, Part 20
  707. Prince Caspian, Part 22
  708. Prince Caspian, Part 26
  709. The Silver Chair, Part 17
  710. The Silver Chair, Part 13
  711. The Silver Chair, Part 19
  712. The Silver Chair, Part 11
  713. The Silver Chair, Part 15
  714. The Last Battle, Part 21
  715. The Last Battle, Part 20
  716. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 28
  717. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 22
  718. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 20
  719. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 24
  720. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 26
  721. The Last Battle, Part 23
  722. The Last Battle, Part 22
  723. The Last Battle, Part 2
  724. The Last Battle, Part 4
  725. The Last Battle, Part 6
  726. The Last Battle, Part 8
  727. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 4
  728. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 5
  729. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 6
  730. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 2
  731. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 7
  732. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 1
  733. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 8
  734. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 4
  735. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 17
  736. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 15
  737. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 19
  738. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 11
  739. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 13
  740. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 9
  741. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 3
  742. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 6
  743. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 5
  744. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 8
  745. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 7
  746. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 9
  747. The Horse and His Boy, Part 2
  748. The Horse and His Boy, Part 4
  749. The Horse and His Boy, Part 6
  750. The Horse and His Boy, Part 8
  751. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 1
  752. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 2
  753. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 3
  754. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Part 21
  755. The Horse and His Boy, Part 24
  756. The Horse and His Boy, Part 23
  757. The Horse and His Boy, Part 20
  758. The Horse and His Boy, Part 22
  759. The Horse and His Boy, Part 21
  760. The Silver Chair, Part 21
  761. Prince Caspian, Part 11
  762. Prince Caspian, Part 13
  763. Prince Caspian, Part 15
  764. Prince Caspian, Part 17
  765. Prince Caspian, Part 19
  766. The Magicians Nephew, Part 2
  767. The Magicians Nephew, Part 11
  768. The Magicians Nephew, Part 3
  769. The Magicians Nephew, Part 13
  770. The Magicians Nephew, Part 15
  771. The Magicians Nephew, Part 17
  772. The Magicians Nephew, Part 1
  773. The Magicians Nephew, Part 6
  774. The Magicians Nephew, Part 7
  775. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 12
  776. The Magicians Nephew, Part 4
  777. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 18
  778. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 10
  779. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 14
  780. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Part 16
  781. The Magicians Nephew, Part 5
  782. The Magicians Nephew, Part 8
  783. The Magicians Nephew, Part 9
  784. Prince Caspian, Part 21
  785. Prince Caspian, Part 23
  786. Prince Caspian, Part 25
  787. Prince Caspian, Part 27
  788. Brief 3
  789. Brief 1
  790. Brief 5
  791. Brief 7
  792. Brief 9
  793. Vorwort
  794. Brief 13
  795. Brief 14
  796. Brief 15
  797. Brief 16
  798. Brief 17
  799. Brief 18
  800. Brief 19
  801. Brief 10
  802. Brief 30
  803. Brief 11
  804. Brief 31
  805. Brief 12
  806. Brief 8
  807. Brief 2
  808. Brief 4
  809. Brief 6
  810. Brief 23
  811. Brief 24
  812. Brief 25
  813. Brief 26
  814. Brief 27
  815. Brief 28
  816. Brief 29
  817. Brief 20
  818. Brief 21
  819. Brief 22
  820. Endmatter
  821. Strawberry’s Adventure
  822. ‘Undo the Wrong’
  823. ‘Narnia, Awake!’
  824. Screwtape Letters
  825. Spor 10
  826. Spor 12
  827. Spor 14
  828. Spor 7
  829. Spor 6
  830. Spor 9
  831. Spor 8
  832. Spor 3
  833. Spor 2
  834. Spor 5
  835. Spor 4
  836. Spor 1
  837. Spor 11
  838. Spor 13
  839. Spor 15
  840. The Magician’s Nephew, Part 11
  841. The Magician’s Nephew, Part 13
  842. The Magician’s Nephew, Part 15
  843. The Magician’s Nephew, Part 17
  844. The Magician’s Nephew, Part 7
  845. The Magician’s Nephew, Part 6
  846. The Magician’s Nephew, Part 5
  847. The Magician’s Nephew, Part 4
  848. The Magician’s Nephew, Part 3
  849. The Magician’s Nephew, Part 2
  850. The Magician’s Nephew, Part 1
  851. The Magician’s Nephew, Part 9
  852. The Magician’s Nephew, Part 8
  853. The Magician’s Nephew, Part 10
  854. The Magician’s Nephew, Part 12
  855. The Magician’s Nephew, Part 14
  856. The Magician’s Nephew, Part 16
  857. Prince Caspian Lived In
  858. A Little Before Two O'Clock
  859. The Next Morning
  860. Now Began The Happiest
  861. Trumpkin And The Two Boys
  862. After This, Caspian
  863. And So, Said Trumpkin
  864. When The Great Knight Came
  865. Next Day Messengers Were Sent
  866. Now, Said Peter
  867. Once There Were Four Children
  868. This Wasn't A Garden
  869. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 6
  870. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 5
  871. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 8
  872. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 7
  873. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 2
  874. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 1
  875. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 4
  876. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 3
  877. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 9
  878. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 10
  879. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 12
  880. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 14
  881. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 16
  882. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 18
  883. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 11
  884. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 13
  885. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 15
  886. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 17
  887. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 19
  888. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 20
  889. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 22
  890. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 24
  891. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 26
  892. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 28
  893. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 30
  894. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 32
  895. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 34
  896. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 36
  897. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 38
  898. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 40
  899. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 42
  900. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 29
  901. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 21
  902. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 23
  903. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 25
  904. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 27
  905. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 39
  906. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 31
  907. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 33
  908. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 35
  909. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 37
  910. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 41
  911. Das Wunder von Narnia: Teil 43
  912. Untitled
  913. Session 2: "Philia"
  914. Session 3: "Eros"
  915. The Four Loves
  916. Session 4: "Agape" / End Credits
  917. Opening Credits / Session 1: "Storge"
  918. Session 4: Agape / End Credits
  919. Opening Credits / Session 1: Storge
  920. Session 3: Eros
  921. Session 2: Philia


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