Daffy's Elixir
- The Wicked Frontier
- Ziegfield Station
- Cable Through Your Heart
- The Silver Lake Mining Company
- Diamonds!
- Ballroom Kid
- You Might Be Caught in Tarantella
- The Tale of Opal Dawn
- Faintess Moody: Outlaw
- Another Ace in the Hole
- Red Baron (Of Arizona)
- Owe Mister O
- Day-Glo Waterfalls
- Quicksilver Daisy Day
- Data Mountain
The Shredding Tears
- A Stab at the Sun
- The Lessons I Learned
- Operaland
- The Ceiling on the Wall
- Macedonia Hotel
- The Little Engine Who Couldn't (Think Straight)
- The Up and Over Stairwell
- Shedding Tears (All Over the Place)
- Mrs. Gracy's Revenge!
- The Blood Club
- Misery Loves Company
- The Bottom of the Grave
- Desdemona's Leaving Town
- The Tumbling of Marguerite / Hold on George
- Riding the Shadow
Mehr Songtexte
- Flight of the Knife (Part One)
- Venus Ambassador
- Imitation of the Sky
- La Madame on the Moon
- The Fire-Tree Bird
- The Curious Disappearance of the Sky-Ship Thunder-Man
- The Purple Rocket
- The Zero Light
- Mama Waits
- Son of Stab
- Heaven on a Bird
- Flight of the Knife (Part Two)
- Sont of Stab
- Faintess Moody: Outlaw
- The Number Game
- Mrs. Gracy's Revenge
- The Garden Eleanor
- The Red Umbrella
- Andromeda's Eyes
- It's A Gambler's Whirl
- Bye Bye Babylon
- Maria St. Claire