- World of Witchcraft
- Centre of the Universe
- Hell
- Fire
- Underground
- Love Potion
- Witch (Doctor)
- For Eternity
- The Devil
- Sleep
- Rites and Rights
- The Power of Lead
- Maria the Weaver
- The Monastry
- The Arrest of Maria the Weaver
- Preparations for Trial
- Conspiracy
- Anne, the Printer's Wife
- The Youngest Servant
- Inquisition
- Thunder With Water
- Confessions
- Torture Chamber
- Violent Despair
- Endless Pressure
- Hysteria
- Russian Book
Turksib (Soundtrack)
- A Land of Burning Heat
- Free the Land for Cotton
- In the Parched Fields of Turkestan
- High Above the Thirsting Fields
- Cotton for All Russia!
- The Barrier Between
- By Rocky Pastures Goes the Produce of the Land
- The Simoon
- Siberia
- Grain
- Out of the Hills and the Steppes
- The Tombs of the East Stand Sentry
- Strangers! (Aman‐Ba, Comrades!)
- Headquarters
- Alma Ata
- 1445
- The Attack Is Launched
- In Dust and Heat, the Dour Land Is Broken
- Nomads
- The Train
- From North to South — From South to North
- Forward the Machines