The True Story of Eskimo Nell "The Bawdy Saga of the Most Infamous 'Womper' of All Time" (Soundtrack)
- Opening Title Music and Mexico Pete's Arrival
- At the Window and the Flight
- The Frozen North Love Theme
- The Alaskan Kid
- Hey Fellas It's Eumerella
- Elly's Tune and the Frozen North
- The Stage Coach
- Camel Trek
- Camel Arrival at the Goldfields
- The Mine Chase
- Alcoholic Aftermath
- The Womper Song - Canon
- The Snowy Trek
- Eskimo Nell's Hotel Prelude
- Mexico Pete's Theme
- Dead Eye Dick's (reprise)
- Frozen North Theme
- Main Title Theme (The Womper Song)
Thirst: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Turkey Shoot (Original Soundtrack)
- Main Title/Radio Freedom
- Turkey Shoot Theme
- Camp 47. Re-Education & Behavior Modification
- All Deviants Report to Centre Compound
- Freedom Is Obedience, Obedience Is Work. Work Is Life
- Suitable Targets
- Thatcher's Ball Games
- Shower Scene
- Embrace
- Don't Worry My Dear, He Has Already Eaten.
- A Little Sport, a Little Hunt
- Do We Really Have a Chance?
- Nightfall
- The Hunt Begins
- Head Start
- Jungle Trap/Jungle Sorrow
- Tractor Pursuit
- Crossbow Standoff
- Shrunken Heads
- You're a Sharp Man Ritter
- Cut Him Down to Size
- Hot & Ready
- The Cane Field Burn
- Swamp Escape/Beach Fight
- Open Season
- Revolution Begins With the Misfits
Mehr Songtexte
- Opening Titles / Montage
- Feral Boy Strikes
- The Chase Continues
- Gyro Flight
- End Title Music
- Mad Max 2: Journey Over the Mountain
- Emerson's Arrival
- I'm Tired of Playing Footsie
- Kate's Hallucinates
- Kate's Escapes
- Finale & Largo
- Konfrontation
- Schlußtitel
- Ausbruch
- SFX-Suite (Bumerang-Angriff / Gyro's Flug / Ausbruch / Die Raffinerie Explodiert / Reprise)
- Massaker
- Montage / Hauptthema
- Mad Max Im Sperrgebiet
- Gyro Rettet Max
- Montage / First Chase
- The Refinery
- U-Turn
- Collision / Finale
- Trek For Fuel
- Close The Gate
- Thirst: Suite For Chorus And Orchestra
- Interceptor Wrecked
- Gyro Captain
- Wez Loses It
- Gyros Flight
- The Vengeance Of Humungous
- The Leaving
- Papagallos Death
- The Chase Is On
- Max Enters The Compound
- “All Deviants Assemble Immediately in Centre Compound”
- Break Back Sting / Ferrier in the Fernery
- At The Camp / Clean The Fish / Seeds of Romance
- Jungle Pursuit / Stalk in the Grass
- Escape at Dinner Time / Thatcher Loads Up
- Burning Sensation
- Opening Theme / Mountain Truckers
- Network Television / Ritter’s Symphony
- Fight on the Sand
- Snake in the Mud / Waterfall Observer
- Compound Music / Punishment Theme
- Bombers Dive / End Credits
- Love in a Jugular Vein / Breakout
- Ferrier Fries
- Kathy’s Theme
- Kathy’s Tune
- I’m Going Now
- He’s Dead
- Dr. Roget
- Bossa For Ed
- Patrick Power