If It Ain't Broke Don't Fix It
- If It Ain't Broke Don't Fix It
- From Downtown Chicago to Biloxi Bay
- A Woman Don't Care
- I'm a Shufflin' Fool
- A Minute of My Kissing
- Look Me in the Eye
- Desperate Lover
- Los Christianos
- Led to a Better Life
- Green and Unsatisfied
- The Breeze
- I'll Survive
- Pick Up Blues
- Dear Blues
- I Need Your Love
- Another Day
So Close to It
- When My Heart Beats Like a Hammer
- So Close to It
- Just About to Lose Your Clown (von Chris Foreman)
- Walking With My Baby (von Billy Branch)
- Sneakin' Around
- Time to Come Back Home
- Too Lazy
- Mary
- The Day I Met You- Carl Weathersby, Joe Barr
- I Can't Get Enough of You
- Please Accept My Love (von Chris Foreman)
- I Win Some More (von Lurrie Bell)
- One Broken Heart for Sale -Chris Foreman
- How Much Can a Poor Man Take
- Evil Hearted Woman
Sometime The Blues Got Me
- Don't Look Now, but I've Got The
- Change Your Ways
- Wrapped Up in Love Again
- I Walked Away
- Make Me Blue
- Let Me Tell You What's Up
- Sometimes the Blues Got Me
- I Love You So
- You Don't Drink Enough
- The Power of the Blues
- A Cool Breeze in Hell
- Doctor From the Hood
- Blues Stay Away From Me
- Fall in British Columbia
- Not Going to Worry
- One of a Kind
- Chicago Is Loaded With the Blues