Bram De Looze Songtexte
Geboren am 23. Januar 1991
- Baron / De Looze / Verheyen
- Blind IO
- Chasing Penguins
- Stephanos Chytiris Flux Project
- Trio De Looze/Machtel/Schilders
- Dream Tree
- Jean-Paul Estiévenart International Quintet
- Fire in the Pet Store
- Axel Gilain Quartet
- LABtrio
- Lassen
- Daniele Martini Quartet
- Pentadox
- Sixtension
- Ben Sluijs Quartet
- Toots Deconstructed
- Urbex
Colour Talk
Mehr Songtexte
- Ambiguous
- L'Esprit D'Escalier (improvisation By Flin Van Hemmen & Bram De Looze)
- Land Of Morning Calm
- Interlink (improvisation By Bo Van Der Werf & Bram De Looze)
- As Above, As Below (improvisation)
- Thorium
- Xenolith
- Seven Trees Out East
- Th 90 Disrupted
- Outreach (improvisation)
- Repulse (improvisation)