Boris Nonte Songtexte

- Ready for Launch
- Honor for Glory (no drums)
- Swordsman
- The Quest (no choir)
- The Big Rising
- Honor for Glory
- For Glory and Majesty
- Reborn (drums only)
- Battle of Knights
- Illuminatio Mea
- Final Mission (Top Gun variation)
- Wings of Glory
- Journey to a New Land (no drums)
- Battle of Knights (no drums)
- He Can Fly (no drums)
- Riders of the Night
- Seafights (no drums)
- Wings of Glory (no drums)
- The Quest (no drums)
- Seafights
- Be a Hero
- Under Suspicion
- He Can Fly
- Final Mission
- Reborn (no choir)
- Swordsman (no drums)
- Riders of the Night (no drums)
- The Quest (drums only)
- My Immortal Hero
- Velvet Luna
- Conquer or Die
- Trophies and Memorials (no drums)
- Crusaders (no drums)
- Trophies and Memorials
- Wings of Glory (no choir)
- March of United Soldiers
- Honor for Glory (no choir)
- Crusaders
- Reborn
- Journey to a New Land
- Be a Hero (no drums)
- Sacrifice
- The Quest
- Sacrifice (no drums)
- Riders of the Night (no choir)
- Battle of Knights (no choir)
- Firestarter
- Elimination
- Steppenwolf
- Blade Runner
- Sweet Relief
- Alpha Tier
- Vibrance
- Men of Steel
- Beautiful Minds
- Dark Ambassador
- Godlike Giants
- Hyperstorm
- Beauty Inside
- Mask of Fear
- Closing In
- Dark Rising
- Island of Kings
- Island of Kings (a)
- Spellcaster
- Goofy Goblin Dance
- Married Again
- Accident Prone