Arx Pilosa
- Dret Tancat Saves the Multiverse
- Afterlife Revolution
- Cryptic Mountain
- The Strangeness of You
- Letter of Complaint
- The Molosse of Monument Hill
- Have a Lovely Day
- The Findings of the London Dialectical Society
- Acting Bears
- All My Sheddings
- La Fontaine de L'Eglise
- Me and Apocalypse Fox
- Summertime Is Here
- Selected Utterances (From the Egyptian Pyramid Texts)
- The Vine on the House on Ambrose Lane
- Waters, Eaux & Aquae
- Audience With Stripycoat
- The Parthenon Replica
- Seven Fabulous Jackals
- The Greenish Meadow
Bob Drake and the Quonset Hut Philharmonic
Bob's Drive-In
- Keep Light Away From This Product
- Recreational Guide to the Solar System for Humans
- Don't Ask a Cat
- Pardon My Varmint
- Sad and Indifferent Animals Wearing Scarves
- Lesser-Known Explorers of the Arctic
- Everybody Wants to Meet My Raccoon
- Earthquake Lights
- Phantom Forerunner
- A Sunny Day in Nairobi
- Swimming Pool
- Gone Gone Gone
- Biting of Glory
- Some Advice About Zombis
- A Sunny Day in Nairobi (live)
- Earthquake Lights (live)
- Don't Ask a Cat (live)
- Lesser-Known Explorers of the Arctic (live)
- Some Advice About Zombis (live)
- Sad and Indifferent Animals Wearing Scarves (live)
- Pardon My Varmint (live)
- Everybody Wants to Meet My Raccoon (live)
- Keep Light Away From This Product (live)
- Recreational Guide to the Solar System for Humans (live)
- Biting of Glory (live)
Etudes et improvisations pour banjo
- Theme and Improvisation for Solo Banjo Outdoors on a Windy Day
- Improvisation 2 for Solo Banjo Outdoors on Windy Day
- Etude for 3 Banjos Outdoors on Windy Day
- Improvisation 3 for Solo Banjo Outdoors on Windy Day
- Etude for 5 Banjos Outdoors on Windy Day
- Improvisation 4 for Solo Banjo Outdoors on Windy Day
- Improvisation 6 for Solo banjo Outdoors on Windy Day
- Etude for 2 Banjos Outdoors on Windy Day
- Improvisation 7 for Solo Banjo Outdoors on Windy Day
- Improvisation 8 for Solo Banjo Outdoors on Windy Day
- Etude 1 for Solo Banjo
- Etude for 3 Loose Banjos
- Etude for 8 Banjos
- Etude for 101 Banjos
- Etude 2 for Solo Banjo