
Geboren am 15. April 1983


Mehr Songtexte

  1. Mars (original)
  2. OohChild
  3. My Boy Blu
  4. All the Kings Men
  5. So(ul) Amazin'
  6. Party of Two
  7. For Whom The Bell Tolls
  8. You're Gonna Die
  9. Fly (Song of Liberation)
  10. Respect
  11. Jazmine
  12. Stress Off the Chest
  13. Wind(terludeOne)
  14. Morning
  15. Everything OK
  16. Beggars'/BlackGold
  17. Love
  18. Pearly Gates
  19. Baby Don't Leave Me Now
  20. The Narrow Path
  21. Life Is a Gamble
  22. Melo
  23. Local Legends
  24. I'm Gonna Need You
  25. Peace
  26. It's OK (Part One)
  27. Another Day
  28. Kool Hercules
  29. Keep Ush Inn
  30. Angelic
  31. Untitled(LovedU)2
  32. Doin' Something
  33. Spring Winter Summer Fall
  34. TakingTheDayOff
  35. Change (Ya World)
  36. When(terludeTwo)
  37. Sun in My Face
  38. Since
  39. On Mars
  40. Lear Jet
  41. Back to Basic's Hip Hop's Alarm Clock (Wake Up Show interview May 2005)
  42. Ronald Morgan
  43. City of Los(t) Ang(e)les
  44. Vanity
  45. Tags
  46. Pardon
  47. Celln'Ls
  48. Top5NLuv (Taking a Little Break)
  49. The Soul Provider
  50. Silent
  51. A Bove Crenshaw
  52. Cut Up
  53. Fully Crack
  54. Play W Love
  55. Caifornia Bears
  56. Fo Finga Rings
  57. Dodger Stadium
  58. Mad Meets Blu
  59. Funky Cowboy Meets the Funky Drummer
  60. EZ
  61. Giv M Up
  62. Untitled(Loved U)2
  63. Beggars' / BlackGold
  64. Doin' Somethin'
  65. Hours.
  66. Everything's OK
  67. KeePushinn
  68. SLNGBNGrs!
  69. Doin' Something (featuring El Prez, Pac Div, U-N-I, J*Davey, Tiron & Ayomari)
  70. Doin' Nothin
  71. Above Crenshaw
  72. Colours***
  73. Motive pt. Duex
  74. Robots
  75. Smoke
  76. The Day
  77. Triumph
  78. Samsonite Man
  79. Love Line
  80. From the Heart
  81. Jazz Pt. 2
  82. Dreamland
  83. Old Souls
  84. Your Life
  85. Piranhas***
  86. Brown Sugar
  87. Bobby Brown
  88. The Clean Hand (acapella)
  89. The Clean Hand
  90. Lemonade (acapella)
  91. Well Fare
  92. Lemonade
  93. The Summer / Angel Dust
  94. The LA
  95. Summer Time
  96. Jazz, Part 2
  97. Tomorrow
  98. Colours
  99. Thriller (Triller)
  100. Thriller
  101. Oblivia
  102. UFO
  103. Cosmophobia (Revisited)
  104. His Story
  105. Think
  106. Thought
  107. UFO II
  108. Higher (The Cosmos)
  109. Otionography
  110. I’m Gonna Need You
  111. NumOne
  112. RAw! (AsHardAsItGets)
  113. Since (original)
  114. Timejuss
  115. OpenChopShop (MilkMoneysFirstBeat)
  116. Amnesia (original)
  117. FoundAttheBottomoftheRainbow
  118. NoMine
  119. DoIt
  120. No Offense
  121. LikeEveryDayAinttheSame
  122. Amnesia (Remind)
  123. Gold
  124. NoWorries (TheyGonnaLoveUBaby)
  125. TwoStep
  126. Go2Sleep
  127. Amnesia (rewind instrumental)
  128. L.A. Blaze
  129. TheRunAwaySlaveSong
  130. TheLongWindedReverendBarnes
  131. WeDance (ThoughIWalk,WeUsedtoFly)
  132. LetMeTellU
  133. TalkingtoMyselfTooOften
  134. GoodGrace (LetUsThankHimforThisFood)
  135. SucreforSunshine
  136. Ludie
  137. Good Morning
  138. ThankU
  139. ThrutheMist
  140. Mr. Blu(e) Sky
  141. Mr. Blu(e)
  142. You Ain’t Never Been Blu(e)
  143. Its a Shame
  144. Jazz Men
  145. The Priceless
  146. LA 2020
  147. The Joy
  148. Weekdays
  149. We Bang
  150. Roll Up
  151. I’m G (OMG)
  152. Colorful
  153. CA All Day
  154. Red, White, & Me
  155. In Living Color
  156. We Originals
  157. Out Of The Blue
  158. West Coast
  159. LA Summer
  160. Smoking @ 6 N The Mo'
  161. A World Gone Blind
  162. City Of Los(t) Angel(e)s
  163. Summer
  164. Axel
  165. Forever
  166. Maybe One Day
  167. Moments
  168. Be Like Ü
  169. You
  170. Distant
  171. Interstellar Love
  172. Miles Davis
  173. Soul Amazing
  174. Orgins
  175. Imagine
  176. Lucid Dreams
  177. Dancing in the Rain
  178. I’m Awake (outro)
  179. Sobering Tides
  180. Roses in the Wind
  181. The Narrow Path (clean)
  182. Retro Ghost
  183. Killer on the Floor
  184. Spook
  185. Party of 2
  186. Party of 2 (clean)
  187. Shadow Man
  188. One More
  189. Hyper Waves (intro)
  190. First Crash
  191. Whip Creme
  192. The Summer
  193. The West (Part One)
  194. Taking the Day Off
  195. Point Blank
  196. The End
  197. Gotta Be Free
  198. The Bottom
  199. Ooh Child
  200. Steel Remains (Raw)
  201. Good Gracious
  202. Part Time Suckas
  203. Twenty Seven
  204. The Dance
  205. Brown Sucre
  206. Remember Me
  207. Don't Front (Ski Mass)
  208. Lost Angel


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