Blowzabella Songtexte
Gründung 1978
- Andy Cutting
- Nigel Eaton
- Jo Freya
- Paul James
- Grégory Jolivet
- Ian Luff
- Dave Shepherd
- Cliff Stapleton
- Barnaby Stradling
- Jon Swayne
Traditional Dance Music
- Blowzabella/Marriage Dances
- L'enfant de dieu/Faerie Dance
- Kolomtanz
- Bourree de Sologne/Ai vist lou loup
- Two Scottishes
- Yane Sandanski
- Bourrée de Brand/Valce sauteuse de Rett
- Jenny Pluck Pears/Half Hannikin
- Cotillon/Drops of Brandy
- Three Polka Piquées
- The Sun From the East/Laura
- Bourrée à huit/Bourrée tournante
- Bourrée (anon.)/Bourrée de Cusset
Mehr Songtexte
- Eight Step Waltz/ Lisa/ Stukka Gruppa
- Newbury Jig/ Moll in the Wood/ Sword Dance (Ghost Tune)/ Old Wife of Coverdale
- Roger de Coverley/ Trip O'Er Tweed
- Introduction
- The Willow Runnel
- The New Jigs
- Reprise
- Finale
- Death in a Fen / Bruton Town
- Eglantine / Man in the Brown Hat
- The Savage Hornpipe / The Gloucestershire Miner
- Oliver's and Two Beers
- Newbury Jig / Moll in the Wood
- Bourées Three and Four
- Eight Step Waltz / Lisa
- In Continental Mood /The Old Queen / Flatworld
- La belle c'est endormir / Famous Wolf
- Blowzabell / Marriage Marches
- Eglantine / Man in the Brown Hat / Schottische Från Haverö / The Minah Bird
- In Continental Mood Old Queen Flatworld
- The Willow Runnel / The New Jigs (The Wars of the Roses)