Bloody Dead and Sexy Songtexte
Sweet Is Evil
Baby Moon
High on Boots
The Rose Red Bloody Stage
An Eye on You
- Solemn Times
- City Ghosts
- Decent Scent of Poison
- Reaping Day
- Song of Truth
- Three Corners of an Eye, Part I: Lower Right Corner
- The Fix
- A Clockwork Symphony
- Candy Box
- Saeta
- Three Corners of an Eye, Part II: Upper Corner
- The Upper Floor
- Sunglasses for a Funeral
- Der Kuss
- Three Corners of an Eye, Part III: Lower Left Corner
Crucifixion, Please! (An incomplete guide to psychedelic Deathrock)
- White Noise Paranoia (previously unreleased)
- Bloody Rose
- Sick 6 Minutes (extended - previously unreleased)
- The Rose Red Bloody Stage
- Hey Ho Armageddon!
- Funny, Sad and Cruel that Crucifixion (previously unreleased)
- A Friend in Mescalin
- Suitcase Men
- My Secret Gardener
- Solemn Times
- Reaping Day
- Candy Box
- Sunglasses for a Funeral (demo - previously unreleased)
- One by One
- Never Street (demo - previously unreleased)
- Without
- Plastic Night Sky