Blood Duster Songtexte
Showered With Affection, Part 2
Porn Store Stiffi
Gründung im August 1991, Auflösung am 09. Dezember 2017
Blöod Düster
- ForThoseAboutToFuck
- Idi
- SixSixSixteen
- CockJunkie
- Sellout
- IWannaDoItWithADonna
- FruityRelationships
- HeroinPunk
- Sk8ergrrl
- BadHabbits
- OnTheStage
- VeganFeast
- DrinkFightFuck
- TonyGoesToCourt (skit)
- OnTheHunt
- CurrentTrends
- Underground
- DrugFiend
- Achin'ForAn'A'Cup
- DahmerTheEmbalmer
- She'sAJunkie
- NuCorprate
- OrneryHonery
- 6.66OnYourFMDial
- TicketToRide / PainfullNoiseEntitled "Htabbaskcalb"
- Let's Fuck
- Wearethewordpolice
- Bigfatarse
- Anotherslackarsedaussieband
- Pornstorestiffi
- Pissingcontest
- Ijustfinishedsuckingoffmetalheadsinthemensurinals
- Hoochiemumma
- Iloveitwhenjoepesciswears
- Stocktakin'
- Letsallfuck
- Atracksuitisnotappropriatemetalapparel
- Thecorpsesong
- Fuckyousceneboy
- Iskillingclonesillegal
- Don'tcallmehomeboyya'cunt
- Spefeven
- Theobjectistoshiftsomeunits
- Sweetmeat
- Dis-organ-ized
Lyden nå
The Father
- Intro
- ThreeOhSevenOhh
- PissStomper
- TheKidsCanGetFucked
- RockNRollJihad
- BrokeAssBitch
- MyspaceYourFace
- AngryDragon
- ILoveThePills
- DusterDuster
- TheNightTheyBurnedOldEmoDown
The (un)Holy Ghost
- TendonsSlicedForTransport
- TheRichBreedFuckingCockheadChildrenWhoWillOneDayBeYourEmployer
- TheWorldAndEveryoneInItDeservesToDie
- RecreationalKilling
- BetterStartASeedBank
- ChildLabourEconomics
- BarrelChockFullOfDeadCops
- CzechItOutIGotSomeRules
- LustMord
- OhMyMyRahindley
- E55
- RapedWithATyreIron
- ISawYourDadSuckingOffAnotherDudesDad
- OrgansForAProfit
- StrungUpWithCockInHand
- BalladOfHenryAndotis