- Purgatory
- ['bonus'] cyberpronk
- Supermoon
- 66 Million Pixel Hypercolor Sunrise
- Let's get up to some kind of bullshit again someday.
- Heat problem
- Unreality Wave
- Caffeinelord Extreme (Bonus)
- Fun trash
- Escape from hamburger hell
- Approaching nowhere at the speed of fast
- The last song
- Moderately juicy disaster
- This sux (Bonus)
- Everything is bad actually
- Cloud Ocean Traveler
- The first song
- Time in Transit
- Ultrasensory Voyager Sunbeam
- It's cool out there somewhere
- Give up and go
- Patience is Escape (Bonus)
- 400 mile night drive / the first song after the last song is there to remind you to keep going
- Welcome, to the garbage!
- Purgatory (Bonus)
- Success through stress