Benjamin Zander Songtexte
Geboren am 09. März 1939
Benjamin Zander on Performing and Listening to Beethoven: Symphonies No. 5 & No. 7
- Introduction
- Discussions and Performances of Moonlight Sonata
- Discussions and Performances of Symphony No. 5: Mvt. I
- Discussions and Performances of Symphony No. 5: Mvt. II
- Discussions and Performances of Symphony No. 5: Mvt. III
- Discussions and Performances of Symphony No. 5: Mvt. IV
- Discussions and Performances of Symphony No. 7: Mvt. I
- Discussions and Performances of Symphony No. 7: Mvt. II
- Discussions and Performances of Symphony No. 7: Mvt. III
- Discussions and Performances of Symphony No. 7: Mvt. IV
Mehr Songtexte
- Parts III - Rondo - Finale - Allegro
- Parts I - Bewegt, Mit Grösster Vehemenz
- Parts III - Adagietto - Sehr Langsam
- Parts II - Scherzo - Kräftig, Nicht Zu Schnell
- Parts I -Trauermarsch. In Gemessenem Schritt. Streng. Wie Ein Kondukt
- On Performing and Listening to Mahler: Symphony No. 9: Fourth Movement
- On Performing and Listening to Mahler: Symphony No. 9: Third Movement
- On Performing and Listening to Mahler: Symphony No. 9: Second Movement
- On Performing and Listening to Mahler: Symphony No. 9: First Movement