Benjamin Koppel Songtexte
Geboren am 21. Februar 1974
The Story of Mankind - A Requiem
- You Who Hear Us Now
- Afterthought I - At Vi Tilfældigvis er Født
- I Don't Believe
- Afterthought II - At Stå Ved Frontlinjen
- Absurd
- Afterthought III - En Usynlig og Lydløs Fjende
- Rehearsing Dying
- Afterthought IV - Det Eneste vi Ved
- Civilization
- Afterthought V - Det Som er Inde i Mig
- Toc Toc La Dame
- Afterthought VI - Som Alt Var, Som Det Var Engang
- Noux Dimes Adieu
- Afterthought VII - Alle Disse Menneskers Angst
- Therefore I am
- Afterthought VIII - Et Skrig af Lykke, Vi er Udelukket Fra
- Exercise
- Afterthought IX - Vi Skal Vågne
- Bleuet
- Afterthought X - Hver Dag må vi Sige Verden Igen
- Night Soft Night
- Afterthought XI - Kun Sangen Bliver Tilbage
- The Story of Mankind
White Buses - Passage to freedom
- Introduction / Testimonial I
- The Devil Under The Skin
- Testimonial II
- The Woman With Her Violin
- Testimonial III
- I Was Terrified
- Testimonial IV
- Talking About Food
- Testimonial V
- Two Birds in a Nest
- Testimonial VI
- The Planes in The Sky
- Testimonial VII
- Rumours
- Testimonial VIII
- Die Dänen Raus
- Testimonial IX
- My Father
- Testimonial X
- The White Bus
- Testimonial XI
- The Goodbye
- Testimonial XII
- Potsdam
- Testimonial XIII
- The Welcoming pt. 1
- The Welcoming pt. 2
- Testimonial XIV
- Awake or Dreaming
- Testimonial XV
- Fantastic Miracle
- Testimonial XVI
- The Golden Carriage