Ben Selvin Songtexte
Geboren am 05. März 1898, Gestorben am 05. Juli 1980
Harmony Dance Orchestra
Newport Society Orchestra
Ben Selvin and His Orchestra
Ben Selvin's Novelty Orchestra
The Columbia House Bands: Ben Selvin, Volume Two (Compilation)
- The 'Free and Easy' (1)
- Smile, Darn Ya, Smile (von Ben Selvin and His Orchestra)
- Why?
- Mona
- Do Ya Love Me? (1)
- Why Do You Suppose?
- I Miss a Little Miss
- Do Ya Love Me? (2)
- 'Tain't No Sin
- When I'm Housekeeping for You
- Let Me Sing and I'm Happy
- I'm in the Market for You (1)
- The Whole Darned Thing's for You (1) (von Ben Selvin and His Orchestra)
- Why Have You Forgotten Waikiki? (von Ben Selvin and His Orchestra)
- My Man From Caroline
- I'm in the Market for You (2)
- The 'Free and Easy' (2)
- Cheerful Little Earful (von Ben Selvin and His Orchestra)
- The Whole Darned Thing's for You (2) (von Ben Selvin and His Orchestra)
- It's Easy to Fall in Love (von Ben Selvin and His Orchestra)
- You Said It (von Ben Selvin and His Orchestra)