Bear McCreary Songtexte
Nolwa Mahtar
Into Khazad-dûm
This Wandering Day
Geboren am 17. Februar 1979
Foundation: Season 1 (Apple TV+ Original Series Soundtrack)
- Foundation Main Title
- The Only Story
- Gaal Leaves Synnax
- Journey to Trantor
- The Imperial Library
- Visions and Arrest
- The Trial of Hari Seldon
- Star Bridge
- Over the Horizon
- The Promise of the Imperium
- Escape Pod
- The Dream of Cleon the First (von Bear McCreary feat. Raya Yarbrough)
- Anacreon
- The Chant Of The Luminous
- Foundation End Credits
Freaky: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
- Freaky Prologue
- The Killing Starts
- Morning Millie
- The Butcher and the Beaver
- New Day New Bodies
- Ice Cold
- Kitchen Combat
- La Dola Revelations
- Shop Class
- Char Car Chase
- Easy To Talk To
- Blacklight Maze
- A Poetry Reading
- The Plan
- Backseat Butterflies
- Knife Heist
- Homecoming at the Old Mill
- The Best Pain
- A Fucking Piece
- Freaky Credits
God of War (Soundtrack)
- God of War
- Memories of Mother (von Bear McCreary feat. Eivør)
- Witch of the Woods
- Lullaby of the Giants
- Ashes (von Bear McCreary feat. Eivør)
- Peaks Pass
- A Giant’s Prayer
- The Dragon
- Mimir
- Magni and Modi
- Echoes of an Old Life
- Helheim
- The Healing
- The Reach of Your Godhood
- Stone Mason
- Valkyries
- Deliverance
- Salvation
- The Ninth Realm
- The Summit
- Epilogue