Barry & Batya Segal Songtexte
(How Beautiful) Ma Navu
Hodu L'adonai (Psalm 136:1-3)
Sh'ma Yisrael (Deut 6:4)
Sh'ma Yisrael
- Sh'ma Yisrael (Deut 6:4)
- Old City Of Jerusalem (Documentary)
- Baruch Haba (Matthew 23:39)
- Hallelu Et Adonai (Psalm 117)
- Hineh Lo Yanum (Psalm 121:4)
- Kadosh (Revelation 4:8)
- Kumi Ori (Isaiah 60 1-2)
- Lema'an Tzion (Isaiah 62:1
- Seh Haelohim (John 1:29)
- Shiviti Adonai (Psalm 16 8-9)
- Esa Einai (Psalm 121:1-2)
- Uv-Sha'avtem Mayim (Isaiah 12:3)
- Hava Nagila
- Hodu L'adonai (Psalm 136:1-3)
Go Through the Gates
- On Your Walls O Jerusalem
- (Thou Shalt Love) V'ahavta
- Go Through the Gates
- Shabechi Yerushalayim
- (Praise God O Jerusalem) We Delight in Your Shabbat
- (O Holy One) Shimcha Kadosh
- (Let Me Hear) Hashmieni
- (Rejoice Greatly) Sos Asis
- (Save Your People) Hoshia et Amecha
- (He Who Keeps) Hashomer
- In the Latter Days
- (How Beautiful) Ma Navu