After Party
- Desert Walker (von Omnipony)
- The Secrets of Terius (von PhillyPu)
- Rainbow Factory (Blaze remix) (von Wooden Toaster)
- 1000 Wingpower
- Backfire (von Varia)
- Be Assertive
- One Last Letter (VIP remix) (von Aviators)
- What You Really Are (von DeeKayPony)
- Ultimate Swagbot (von Flutter Rex)
- Triumph of Friendship (von CaptainFluffatun)
- Pulse Leak (von Piranhaplant)
- Determination
- Indecisive (von Blaze)
- Lunar Regret (von ElectroKaplosion)
- I Hear Hoofsteps (von Neon Jalapeño)
- SHED.MP3 (von Gremlin)
- New World (von Serial)
- Inspiration Is Magic (von Metal Core Pony)
- How Far We’ve Come (vocal mix)
- Rage Quit (von Nameless Warning)
- Pony Party! (von Melodosis)
- One Last Chance (von Vafrous Coyote)
- Wingboner (von DJPoniver)
- Celestial Fireworks (von Counterwise)
- Fluttertastic (von Morgrayne)
- Imminent (von zahqo)
- Bittersweet (von Aviators)
- Stance (von Exploding Heart Technique)
- Bliss (von Kryptage & Trippy Myst)
Apple 2012
- HAS3RD (von Psycosis)
- They Will See Me Get My Rope (von Circuitfry)
- Cawtion: Do Not Break (von AussieAsher)
- Burning Bridges (von Silva Hound)
- Lethargic Slumber
- The Disco Lights See Me (von Lavender)
- La Casa de La Rosada Biblioteca (von Circuitfry + Aussie)
- Internet Friends / Tourniquet (Bloody Murder remix) (von Circuitfry)
- Big Apple (live mix) (von BMDoubbleBass)
Chromatic Horizons
- Another Planet (von Paper Box)
- Asphalt (von Junk Machine)
- Feral (von Ghost Horses & Junk Machine)
- Zebrastyle (von Feral FurE)
- Tongue Smash (von Paper Box)
- RISE (von Silva Hound)
- Sleep (von Amaris)
- Crossroads (von Foozogz feat. Meggleskisses)
- Lighter (von Ryazan)
- Take Off (von Mantlegen)
- You Got a Forklift (von Paper Box)
- Jungle Fever (von Feral FurE)
- Alone at Night (von Phoxi)
- Flutter
- Hodgepodge (von White Water Black Sheep)
- Fresh (von sc.Dave!)
- Dawn (von Frozen Night)
Everfree Park: After Hours
- By The Mirror Pool (von replacer)
- The Magic Of The Everfree (von Mullet Music Productions)
- A Soft Bed (Shared)
- Recipe For Disaster (von Direct Current)
- Sing For The Night (von Drixale)
- Outlet (von nyovyo)
- Quercus
- The Spelunk Matrix (4-On-The-Cavern-Floor Mix) (von Likonan)
- Resist Nature (von Neu KatalYst)
- i love everything (von Acid Applejack)
- Bioluminescence VIP (von Dauntless Dan)
- I Am Not So Hollow (von SpinScissor)
- Photosynthesis (von Madoka Mapper)
- The Dance Of The Animals (von Madoka Mapper)
- Echos Of Cities (von Flutterwhat)
- The Manticore (von Deavas)