Thank You For Your Custom
- The Magic of the Nightie
- Touch Pretend Angus
- Victorian Policeman
- Jum
- Terminal Headboy
- Equation
- London Distinct
- Vision Gone True
- Mr. & Mrs.
- More Land Home
- Bee Park is Cowboy Yeehah (That's Not My Usual Bourbon) Burp Howdy Pardon
- Accept the Wheel
- Ted Kennedy (Chaps Who Quit It)
- Bartrum
- Tantrum
- Cartoon Churchill with a Real Head
- Living Remnant
- Animal Martyr
- Waterchute
- Jewish Nazi
- Underage Balcony
Mehr Songtexte
- Smell the Conservatory
- Short Fast Control
- Dog Shit Steam Rising Icon Tacked to a Cowboy
- Johnny Wisemuller Thinks Tarzan's Quincy
- Wee Scary Cowboy Bread
- Baroque Enroll
- Smell My Ear
- The Tall Lonely Cowboy in a Ten Gallon Fez
- Jelly Dracko's Function
- Smell the Heater
- Cabinet in the Face
- Smells Like Elvis Reforming