Arthur Collins Songtexte
Cindy, I Dreams About You
I've Got a White Man Workin' for Me
Geboren am 07. Februar 1864, Gestorben am 03. August 1933
- Big Four Quartette
- Edison Modern Minstrels
- Invincible Quartette
- Peerless Quartet
- Rambler Minstrel Company
The King of the Ragtime Singers - The Best of Arthur Collins
- 1529 - Row, Row, Row
- 1560 - The Preacher and the Bear
- 1719 - When the Midnight Choo‐choo Leaves for Alabam’
- Alexander’s Ragtime Band
- And the Great Big World Went Round and Round (Edison, 1916)
- Any Rags
- Bake Dat Chicken Pie
- Bill Bailey
- Camp Meeting Time (Edison, 1906)
- Celebratin’ Day in Tennessee (Edison, 1914)
- Down Among the Sugar Cane (Edison, 1909)
- Everybody’s Crazy ’Bout the Doggone Blues (Edison, 1918)
- From Here to Shanghai (Edison, 1917)
- Gone, Gone, Gone (Edison, 1904)
- Hitchy Coo (Edison, 1912)
- How Do You Do, Miss Josephine? (Edison, 1909)
- I Miss That Mississippi Miss That Misses Me (Edison, 1918)
- I’m Afraid to Come Home in the Dark
- I’m Going Back to Dixie
- It Looks Like a Big Night Tonight (Edison, 1908)
- Oh! How She Could Yacki Hacki Wicki Wacki Woo (That’s Love in Honolulu)
- Steamboat Bill
- The Aba Daba Honeymoon
- The Aba Daba Honeymoon (Edison, 1914)
- When Mose With His Nose Leads the Band
- When Uncle Joe Plays a Rag on His Old Banjo
Mehr Songtexte
- Every Night I See That Nigger Standing Round
- Fly, Fly, Fly
- My Hannah Lady
- Baby Doll
- I Ain't a Gwine to Weep No More
- The Goo-Goo Man
- Lam' Lam' Lam'
- If You're Such a Great Star, Why Don't You Shine?
- Coonville's Cullud Band
- Gimme De Leavin's
- Everybody Had a Good Old Time
- The Seventeenth of March
- Every Race Has a Flag but the Coon
- My Lady Hottentot
- If I'm Going to Die, I'm Going to Have Some Fun
- Brother Noah Gave Out Checks for Rain
- I'm Going Right Back to Chicago
- Ma Tiger Lily
- Pretty Desdamone
- Hesitate, Mr. Nigger
- Remus Take the Cake
- Balmoral
- The Colonel
- Nobody Knows Where John Brown Went
- The Colored Aristocracy
- Ramblin' Sam
- My Dixie Lou
- What Do You Think of Hoolihan?
- I'm Happy When I'm by My Baby's Side
- Imagination
- The Preacher and the Bear
- A Bowery Bantam Ball
- I Wonder Why Bill Bailey Don't Come Home
- Who Dat Say "Chicken" in Dis Crowd?
- Just Because She Made Dem Goo-Goo Eyes
- Ain't Dat Lovin'?
- I've Just Received a Telegram From Baby
- Abraham Jefferson Washington Lee
- Old Bill Jones
- What You Goin' to Do When the Rent Comes 'round?
- Campin' on De Ole Swanee
- He Done Me Wrong
- Abraham
- Old Time Rag
- Great Big Chickapoo Chief
- Won't You Roll Dem Eyes
- I Guess I'll Have to Telegraph My Baby
- Who's There?
- Keep Away From Emmeline!
- I'm Getting Sleepy
- I've Got a Feelin' for You
- Pliny, Come Kiss Your Baby
- You've Met All Comers, but You Haven't Met Me
- Mandy Lee
- Robinson Crusoe's Isle
- And a Little Bit More
- Every Morn I Bring Her Chicken
- Nothin' Ever Worries Me
- The Handicap March Song
- The Goose-Bone Man
- Just Because He Couldn't Sing "Love Me, and the World Is Mine"
- Ragtime Don't Go With Me No More
- The Darktown Colored Band
- I Want My Lulu
- Have You Seen My Henry Brown?
- Scissors to Grind
- Oh, Didn't He Ramble
- Parson Jones' Three Reasons
- My Ann Elizer
- Why, Hello Bill, Who's Your Friend?
- When a Poor Relation Comes to Town
- The Whitewash Man
- You Can't Keep McKinley From the Chair
- Mother Hasn't Spoken to Father Since
- Tobie, I Kind O' Likes You
- I Don't Know Where I'm Goin', but I'm on My Way
- Nobody
- Everybody Has a Whistle Like Me
- Moses Andrew Jackson, Good-Bye
- Ephraham Johnson
- The Blue and the Gray
- The Mick Who Threw the Brick
- O Liza, How I Despise Her
- Melancholy Mose
- Bill Simmons
- De Possum Chase
- Say Yo' Love Me, Sue
- Just as the Sun Went Down
- The Coleville Coon Cadets
- Won't You Fondle Me?
- Cindy, I Dreams About You
- Syncopated Sandy
- If Anybody Wants to Meet a Jonah, Shake Hands With Me
- What You Goin' To Tell Old St. Peter?
- Bye-Bye, Ma Eva, Bye-Bye
- Mammy's Little Punkin Colored Coon
- The Gondolier
- Oysters and Clams
- Make a Fuss Over Me
- I Think I See My Brother Coming Now
- Cohan's Rag Babe
- The New Bully
- Moving Day
- I'd Leave My Happy Home for You
- What's the Matter With the Mail?
- Much Obliged to You
- All in, Down and Out
- When You Ain't Got No Money, Well, You Needn't Come Around
- No Cake Can Come Too High for Me
- I Get Dippy When I Do That Two-Step Dance
- For De Lawdy Sakes, Feed My Dawg
- It's Great to Be Crazy
- Hello, Ma Baby
- Oh! Mr. Brown
- Honey, Does Yer Love Yer Man?
- Hannah, Won't You Open That Door?
- So Long, So Long
- If I Only Had a Dollah of My Own
- My Money Never Gives Out
- Happy Days in Dixie
- Yo' Mustn't Try to Fool Yo' Little Angie
- Celia
- My Little Pansy
- The Bingville Band
- Maydee
- Move Up, Johnson
- Ev'ry Darkey Had a Raglan On
- You're All Right, but You Don't Get In
- I Wish My Rent Was Paid
- Susianna From Louisiana
- Schooners That Pass in the Night
- Vaudeville Specialty, No. 4
- If You Love Your Baby, Make Goo-Goo Eyes
- Long Live America
- I Ain't Seen No Messenger Boy
- There's Always Something Wrong
- I Wish They'd Do It Now
- All Coons Look Alike to Me
- A Red Hot Coon
- Hannibal Hope
- Gabriella Brown Is Back in Town
- I've Got a White Man Workin' for Me
- Jessamine
- Here It Comes Again
- I Got to See the Minstrel Show
- Down Where the Swannee River Flows
- Come Out of the Kitchen Mary Ann
- Prohibition Blues
- The Cannibal King
- The classics for mine
- Alimony blues
- Oh! Didn't He Ramble
- The Rag Time Volunteers Are Off to War
- Ephraim’s Jazbo Band
- They’re Wearin’ ’em Higher in Hawaii
- The Dark Town Strutters’ Ball
- It Makes No Difference Who’s Sweetie You Were, You’re My Sweet Sweetie Now
- My Mind’s Made Up to Marry Caroline
- Oh! Didn’t He Ramble
- Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home
- Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home?
- I’d Leave My Happy Home for You
- I Guess I’ll Have to Telegraph My Baby
- Zizzy Ze Zum Zum
- You’re Talking Rag‐Time
- You Told Me You Had Money in the Bank
- The Honey Suckle and the Bee