Shiva Appreciation Society
The Difference Between a Duck and a Lobster
Three Short Stories
- 1.1 Etry Lvel
- 1.2 Pelagius_Eleven
- 1.3 Seasons
- 1.4 Innocent people don't run
- 1.5 Hope and Disgust
- 2.1 Liberty
- 2.2 Lily and E.
- 2.3 Paisley
- 2.4 Copec!
- 2.5 Silence in Menzoberranzan
- 3.1 7h till dawn
- 3.2 Fitch (Fucking Bitch)
- 3.3 Krahdrahcn
- 3.4 Nyarlathotep
- 3.5 Pisha
- (Bonus) Track5
- (Bonus) Magilla_Trench
Mehr Songtexte

- Königsberg Präludium
- 4.5 SpurFünf
- Coffee for the Queen
- Nothing to Declare?
- Saratov Incident
- 4.4 Velvet Velour
- 4.1 Gente innocente non corre
- 4.2 la_mer
- Tea for the Dragon
- Solanum Melongena
- Physalis Peruviana
- Capsicum Frutescens
- Mandragora Officinarum
- Atropa Belladonna
- Datura Stramonium
- Procreate
- But why scorpions?
- Rejoice
- Recreate
- Mentats
- Discussing Hegelian dialectics with Ceasar
- Salient Green
- Condemn
- Elaborate
- Dissolve
- Differentiate
- Squirrel on a stick
- Mutant Cave Fungus