Anthony Rooley, The Consort of Musicke Songtexte
Quarto libro dei madrigali: XVI. "Sì ch'io vorrei morire"

- Settimo libro de madrigali: Con che soavità, labbra odorate, SV 139
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: III. Sorrow, stay
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: XVII. A shepherd in a shade
- First Booke of Songs 1597: XIX. Awake, sweet love
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: XVI. Woeful heart
- First Booke of Songs 1597: VIII. Burst forth my tears
- First Booke of Songs 1597: XV. Wilt thou unkind
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: VIII. When others sing Venite
- First Booke of Songs 1597: XI. Come away, come sweet love
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: XVIII. Faction that ever dwells
- First Booke of Songs 1597: VII. Dear, if you change
- First Booke of Songs 1597: IX. Go crystal tears
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: VI. Time's eldest son
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: I. Farewell too fair
- First Booke of Songs 1597: VI. Now, O now I needs must part
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: XI. If floods of tears
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: XIV. Farewell, unkind
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: VI. When Phoebus first did Daphne love
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: XIX. Shall I sue
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: VIII. Flow not so fast, ye fountains
- First Booke of Songs 1597: XVIII. His golden locks
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: XI. Lend your ears to my sorrow
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: II. Flow my tears
- First Booke of Songs 1597: X. Think'st thou then
- First Booke of Songs 1597: V. Can she excuse my wrongs
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: III. Behold a wonder here
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: XXI. Clear or cloudy
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: XX. Toss not my soul
- First Booke of Songs 1597: I. Unquiet thoughts
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: XIII. Now cease my wand'ring eyes
- First Booke of Songs 1597: XII. Rest awhile you cruel cares
- First Booke of Songs 1597: XIV. All ye whom love or fortune
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: X. O sweet woods
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: IX. What if I never speed
- First Booke of Songs 1597: IV. If my complaints could passions move
- First Booke of Songs 1597: III. My thoughts are wing'd with hopes
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: IV. Daphne was not so chaste
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: XVI. Fie on this feigning
- First Booke of Songs 1597: II. Whoever thinks or hopes
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: VII. Then sit thee down
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: IX. Praise blindness eyes
- First Booke of Songs 1597: XXI. Away with these self-loving lads
- First Booke of Songs 1597: XVI. Would my conceit
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: V. Mourn, day is with darkness fled
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: I. I saw my lady weep
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: II. Time stands still
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: XVII. I must complain
- First Booke of Songs 1597: XX. Come heavy sleep
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: XV. White as lilies was her face
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: VII. Say, Love, if ever thou didst find
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: XX. What poor astronomers are they
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: XIV. Come ye heavy states of night
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: XII. Fine knacks for ladies
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: XIX. The lowest trees have tops
- First Booke of Songs 1597: XVII. Come again: sweet love doth now invite
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: XV. Weep you no more, sad fountains
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: X. Love stood amazed
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: XXI. Come when I call
- Second Booke of Songes 1600: XXII. Humor say what mak'st thou here
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: XIII. O what hath overwrought
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: XVIII. It was a time when silly bees
- First Booke of Songs 1597: XIII. Sleep wayward thoughts
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: V. Me, me and none but me
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: XII. By a fountain where I lay
- Third Booke of Songes 1603: XX. What poor astromomers are they
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: X. "Voi pur da me partite"
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: XV. "Troppo ben può"
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: II. "Cor mio, mentre vi miro"
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: III. "Cor mio, non mori?"
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: XI. "Ma tu, più che mai dura"
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: XIII. "lo mi son giovinetta"
- Tempro la cetra
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: XI. "A un giro sol de' begl'occhi"
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: VI. "Anima mia perdona" (Prima parte)
- Mentre vaga Angioletta
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: VII. "Che se tu se'il cor mio" (Seconda parte)
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: VII. "Ecco, piegando"
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: I. "Ah dolente partita!"
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: VIII. "Ferir quel petto"
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: II. "O Mirtillo, Mirtill', anima mia"
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: XVIII. "Anima del cor mio"
- Ogni amante è guerrier
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: XII. "Che dar più vi poss'io"
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: XIII. "M'è più dolce il penar"
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: V. "Volgea l'anima mia"
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: XVI. "Sì ch'io vorrei morire"
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: VI. "Dorinda, ah! dirò"
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: XIV. "Quel augellin che canta"
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: XIX. "Questi vaghi concenti"
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: I. "Cruda Amarilli"
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: IV. "Sfogava con le stelle"
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: XVII. "Anima dolorosa"
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: IX. "La piaga c'ho nel core"
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: XVII. "T'amo mia vita!"
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: V. "Ma se con la pietà"
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: IX. "Ch'io t'ami"
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: XIX. "Longe da te cor mio"
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: VIII. "Luci serene e chiare"
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: XVI. "Amor, se giusto sei"
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: XV. "Non più guerra pietate"
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: X. "Deh! bella e cara"
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: IV. "Ecco, Silvio"
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: III. "Era l'anima mia"
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: XIV. "Ahi, come a un vago sol"
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: XII. "Ohimè, se tanto amate"
- Quinto libro dei madrigali: XVIII. "E così a poc' a poco"
- Quarto libro dei madrigali: XX. "Piagn' e sospira"
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: IX. Go nightly cares
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: XXI. Cease these false sports
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: II. Sweet stay awhile
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: XVIII. My heart and tongue were twins
- Mr. Henry Noell Lamentations 1597: III. Lord consider my distress
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: XI. Lasso vita mia
- Mr. Henry Noell Lamentations 1597: VI. Lord to thee I make my moan
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: XIII. If that a sinner's sighs
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: III. To ask for all thy love
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: XII. In this trembling shadow cast
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: VII. Stay, Time, awhile thy flying
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: XVI. When the poor cripple
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: XX. Welcome black night
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: X. From silent night
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: VI. Were every thought an eye
- Mr. Henry Noell Lamentations 1597: V. Where righteousness doth say
- I shame at mine unworthiness
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: IV. Love, those beams that breed
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: V. Shall I strive with words to move
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: XIX. Up merry mates
- Mr. Henry Noell Lamentations 1597: IV. O Lord of whom I do depend
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: XVII. Where sin sore wounding
- Mr. Henry Noell Lamentations 1597: I. Lord turn not away
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: XIV. Thou mighty God
- Mr. Henry Noell Lamentations 1597: II. Lord in thy wrath
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: VIII. Tell me, true love
- Mr. Henry Noell Lamentations 1597: VII. Lord hear my prayer
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: I. Disdain me still
- A Pilgrim's Solace 1612: XV. When David's life
- As Vesta Was Descending (Consort of Musicke feat. conductor: Anthony Rooley)
- Settimo libro de madrigali: Tempro la cetra, SV 117
- Madrigali guerrieri et amorosi: Mentre vaga Angioletta, SV 157
- Madrigali guerrieri et amorosi: Ogni amante è guerrier, SV 151
- Giunto a la tomba
- Ardi e gela a tua voglia (Risposta)
- Ardo si, ma non t'amo
- Vattene pur, crudel
- La bella Erminia
- Qual musico gentil
- Sovente, allor
- As Vesta Was Descending
- Il primo libro de madrigali, Op. 1: La vittoria
- Il primo libro de madrigali, Op. 1: Le tre grazie
- Il primo libro de madrigali, Op. 1: Canto di bella bocca
- Cor mio, deh non languire