Cry of Fear (Lost Tracks & Memories) (Soundtrack)
Cry of Fear (Official Soundtrack)
- Dark City
- Crow
- Chased
- Anxiety
- Brandon (von bXmMusic)
- Horror Inside
- Heart
- Twisted Mind
- Chainsaw Reaction (von muddasheep)
- Never
- Nostalgia
- College
- Death
- Despair
- No Hope
- Down in Darkness
- Hate Life
- Kill Yourself
- I'm Sick
- Mind Maze
- First Station
- Observe My Life
- Get Out
- The Start, the End
- No, No, No
- Suicide
- Saw Your Skull
- Conclusion
- Lonely
- Simon
- I Don't Want to Exist
- Sophie
- Thoughts
- Better Luck Next Time
- Sorrow
- Saxon Avenue
- Jumping Strings
- Escalator to Hell
- Hell
- Heaven
- Train Station
- Kirkville (von muddasheep)
- The Other Side (von bXmMusic)
- Drown
- Sickness
- Unforgiven
- Gifts
- Something Lurking
- Water Corridor
- One Way or Another (von muddasheep)
Mehr Songtexte
- obbsan
- sophie1
- sophie2
- sophie3
- egyptianhallucination
- newapartment3
- newapartment4
- subtunnels
- music1
- nothingleft
- music2
- sewerhit
- music3
- music4
- music5
- music6
- slowerdeath
- nmsequence
- unlockables
- Trololololo
- coopend
- cof_gayviolin_s3
- watro
- angst
- musicbad
- memories1b
- watercorridor
- busshollplats
- stad
- intro2
- rooftops
- memories1p
- foresthorror
- streets2
- nightmmm
- aproom1
- aproom2
- aproom3
- sawmusic
- sewermusic45
- doctorend
- sawmusic2
- 2aphall1
- coop_mapend
- ap3hall2
- ap3hall1
- manhunt_intro
- hit1
- hit2
- hit3
- aphall1
- aphall2
- aphall1end
- School1
- memories1
- memories2
- memories3
- memories4
- memories5
- sirensfromhell2
- introreal
- manhunt
- introduction
- basement1
- basement2
- psychoticmusic
- sewer_boss
- doktornarvild
- downindarkness
- nightmareend
- city
- imsick
- subway1
- ruMpel2
- ruMpel3
- ruMpel4
- ruMpel
- forest1
- cof_snuff6
- aparthall2end2
- apartbaby
- trainhurry
- Psycho1
- Psycho2
- slowerfight
- docvic
- stats
- truckride
- faster
- asylum1
- sewer3alt
- subwaymusico
- sewer3alt2
- fucked2
- apsick
- endmusic1
- endmusic2
- endmusic3
- endmusic4
- aparthall2end
- introduction2
- sawend
- aom - sick
- coop
- psychobatesmotelambient1
- survive_hotel_terror
- doctorbattle2
- gamestartup
- buscity
- bossmusic
- boat
- dockhorror
- fancorridor
- survive4
- survive3
- blueline
- survive2
- caged
- tunnels
- ap3hall1end
- myfaith
- hospital
- HalloweenCCIntro
- fucked
- bigshadowsounds
- forestpound
- coopstart
- aparthall2
- foresthide
- basement1end
- cityend
- imsick2
- baseap
- bossstart
- snuff
- darkhorror
- avlopp
- broscene
- MetalAtmosphere
- coop_mapend2
- slowereyes
- underwater
- basements
- sawersong
- cc2introduction
- ending5
- lifelover
- arrested
- trainhit
- fanskap
- alley
- aptaurus
- betrayal
- doctorbattle
- tv_noise
- nightmare2
- cc3
- nightmare
- psykos2
- parkatnight