Anders Bergcrantz Songtexte
Intro (Ett Dygn; Twenty-Four Hours)
Geboren am 05. Dezember 1961
Mehr Songtexte

- Wake Up
- Thank You And Farewell - Part 1
- Thank You And Farewell - Part 2
- Thank You And Farewell - Part 3
- In This Together
- Other Bells
- Sen Eftermiddag; Kväll (Late Afternoon/Evening)
- Emerald
- Hope
- Ruby
- The Inspired Vulture
- Intro (Ett Dygn; Twenty-Four Hours)
- McJolt
- Sapphire
- Gryning (Dawn)
- Den Hoppande Emil (Jumping Emil)
- Morgon (Morning)
- Majoun
- Axis
- Flammable
- Den Lilla Malcolm (Little Malcolm)
- Aurora
- Natt (Night)
- Rebecca
- Dagtid (Daytime)