- Synergy (von Alec R. Costandinos & the Syncophonic Orchestra Featuring Alirol & Jacquet)
- The Rite of the King Gymenaud (von Alec R. Costandinos & the Syncophonic Orchestra Featuring Alirol & Jacquet)
- Pontius Pilate (von Alec R. Costandinos & the Syncophonic Orchestra Featuring Alirol & Jacquet)
- For Amusement Only (von Alec R. Costandinos & the Syncophonic Orchestra Featuring Alirol & Jacquet)
- Mangareva (von Alec R. Costandinos & the Syncophonic Orchestra Featuring Alirol & Jacquet)
- Benedite (von Alec R. Costandinos & the Syncophonic Orchestra Featuring Alirol & Jacquet)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- The Pope of Fools
- La Esmeralda
- The Inconveniences of Following a Pretty Girl in the Streets at Night
- Phoebus
- You Are Accused Before Us...
- The Court of Miracles
- Notre-Dame
- Phoebus and Esmeralda
- Gringoire and the Duke of Egypt
- Dom Claude's Confession
- Hanging of the Sorceress
- The Attack
- Quasimodo's Marriage