Akira Rabelais Songtexte
1390 Gower Conf. II. 20 I Can Noght Thanne Unethes Spelle That I Wende Altherbest Have Rad
Geboren am 28. März 1966
- Notturno
- Troisième Gnossienne
- Aphorisming, second
- Rhythme Bulgare
- Aposiopesis
- Gymnopédie no. 1
- Gymnopédie no. 2
- Gymnopédie no. 3
- M2s Broken & Together
- Cinquième Gnossienne
- Première Gnossienne
- Aphorisming, first
- Notturno (loverly remix)
- Berceuse
- Buciumeana
- Quatrième Gnossienne
- Aphorisming, third
- M2s M7s (fragmented)
- Pe loc
- Sarabande no. 2
- Seduced by the Silence
- On the Little In-Betweens
- Then the Substanceless Blue
- Where to Let Our Scars Fall in Love
- With the Gift of Your Small Breath
- And the Permanence of Smoke or Stars
- Night Dances Through Heaven’s Black Amnesia
- Comme un ange enivré d’un soleil radieux
- Surface of Soft Steps, Violets Whisper
- In a Cadence of Vanishing
- And Emptiness Over Eyes
- As Fingers Trace Around the Rim of a Colourless Sky
- A Door Opens Backwards