
- Celtic Vision Slip Jig (113) Reels (115, 118)
- The Big Well Light Jigs (115)
- Woods of Old Limerick Heavy Jigs (73)
- 100% Dance Reels (Speed 113)
- Off the Cuff Reels (113, slow intro)
- The Celtic Hooley
- Dun Na Greine Slip Jigs (113)
- Dancing on the Green Hornpipes (140, 118) Reel (115)
- The Storm Mountains of Pomeroy Reels (115, 113)
- Song for a Small Pipe
- The Laughing Minstrel Hornpipes (113)
- Dance of the Champions Reels (113)
- Across the Moss Easy Reels (123)
- Madame Bonaparte Set Dance (100)